Summary of Minutes LMC Board Meeting
June 27, 2007 • SMACNA-KC
Attending: Sang T. Duong (for Khensa Karim) , Lyle Farrand, Michael Lambert (for Louie Wright), Robbie Makinen (for Mike Sanders), Rory O’Connor, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Khensa Karim and SMACNA for hosting. SMACNA and Local 2 are in negotiations so Khensa and Ken Alexander are unable to attend.
•The proposed Cash Flow Report will be added to future Financial Reports.
•The 07-08 budget proposal was discussed; given there are no significant changes proposed and the number attending the meeting, final approval will be postponed until the next Board meeting.
•September may be the optimal time frame for the Strategic Planning sessions.
•In addition to Issues Committee report provided, the LMC supported continuation of the Institute for Labor Studies program and urged Chancellor Guy Bailey to retain UMKC’s involvement, which he agreed to to for now.
•In addition to the Issues Committee report provided, Board members are encouraged to follow and weigh in on the upcoming renewal of the Kansas City, Mo., sales tax for capital improvements.
•All those present who attended the Reception for the New Kansas City, Mo., Council agreed the event was successful. The final cost will about $800 higher than estimated in the board background information provided before the meeting.
•Additions to the Golf Tournament participation list include Walton Construction (refreshment cart sponsor), Blue Cross Blue Shield (eagle sponsor) and Teamsters Local 541 (hole sponsor) for a total of 34 players and $10,700 in revenue to date.
•The next Public Officials Reception should take place after the LMC has completed it Strategic Planning process.
•The next Board meeting will be 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 22, location TBA. The Oct. 24 and Dec. 26 dates are both problematic, so alternate dates will be chosen pending results of the Strategic Planning process.
•M/S/C/ to adjourn at 1 p.m.