Participants included:
Donna Birks, President, AFL-CIO Tri-County Labor Council of Eastern Kansas & Financial
Secretary, United Auto Workers Local 31
Jim Delaney, Vice President, Turner Construction Co.
Pat Dunn, Commissioner, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (facilitator)
Lyle Farrand, Secretary-Treasurer, Teamsters Local 541
Rick Greeno, Laboreers Local 1290 and Western Missouri & Kansas Laborers District Council
Gerard Grimaldi, Director of Governmental Relations, Truman Medical Centers
Bob Jacobi, Executive Director, Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City
Brenda Jones, AFL-CIO Tric-County Labor Council of Eastern Kansas and Communication
Workers of America
Garry Kemp, Business Manager, Greater Kansas City Builidng & Construction Trades Council
Jeff Manning, President, United Auto Workers Local 31
Judy Morgan, President, Kansas City Federation of Teachers Local 691
Steve Mullen, Business Manager, Bricklayers Local 15
Rory O’Connor, Senior Vice President, Walton Construction Co.
John Phillips, Parnter, Blackwell Sanders
Dan West, J.E. Dunn Construction Co.
This session was devoted to identifying the key issues that need to be resolved for the LMC to achieve the participation, activities and impacts developed in the previous session. Issues identified were:
1. Meaningful participation in this organization
2. Relevance of the organization
3. Effective communication of LMC value to sectors other than construction
4. The most effective structure for the organization
5. How do we organize other committees to replicate the success of the Construction Committee
6. How do we achieve balance (labor-management) on the committees
7. Prioritize activities (pick 3-5 to focus on)
8. Program to market the LMC and labor-management collaboration for the economic benefit of
the metropolitan Kansas City area
These were consolidated by combining #s 3 & 8 and #s 4, 5, 6 and #s 1 & 2. It was determined that generating “meaningful participation in the organization” is the key. The group then brainstormed methods to do so:
1. Build on leadership development programs
2. Organize committees by business sector
3. Establish benchmarks or goals
4. More effectively market and communicate
5. Structure board to reflect committees
6. Establish value proposition and concrete goals for committees
7. Create some “fun” activities
8. Prioritize activities
After further discussion the group determined that the next step was to form several industry committees and determine who (organizations) should participate. Small groups would be formed for each committee to develop the desired participation list, and will report back to a later session.
The committees to be formed include (participants who volunteered or had expressed interest in helping determine who should be on the committees):
Education and Health Care (Judy Morgan, Gerard Grimaldi)
Manufacturing/Industrial (John Phillips, Donna Birks, Jeff Manning)
Public Sector (Louie Wright, Rick Greeno)
Service (Sherwin Carroll)
Garry Kemp and Rory O’Connor and Bob Jacobi also will help develop participant lists. If needed, Pat Dunn will suggest possible participants as well.
After participants are identified, a strategy for each committee will be developed.
The follow-up session will be held preceding the LMC Board of Directors meeting at 10 a;m., Wednesday, Dec. 19 at Blackwell Sanders, 4801 Main, Suite 1000.
Thanks to John Phillips for hosting and Pat Dunn for facilitating.