Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008, Mark One Electric, 909 Troost
Attending: Rosana Biondo, Troy Carlson, Gary Eagan, Lyle Farrand, Frank Jackson, Garry Kemp, Dave Kendrick, Herb Millard, Bill Miller, Rory O’Connor, Julie Perkins, Ron Shafer, John Tompson, Dan West, Tom Whittaker, Craig Wright, Bob Jacobi.
•Introductions and thanks to Rosie Biondo and Mark One for hosting. Note that Ron Shafer is now with RLS Architects and the participation of Bill Miller representing the ASA.
•The SBA is considering the removal of women as a category. SBA is also looking at increases in size and net worth standards, prompting Kansas City, Mo., to also consider increases. There are concerns that contractors are not attending city training sessions on the new workforce ordinance, as well as with the reporting requirements and the exclusion of contracts less than $300,000.
The Unified Government has developed a draft MBE/WBE ordinance that is now open for comment. Jason Banks and Philip Yelder have been encouraged to work together to make the two ordinances as similar as possible to eliminate duplication.
The Missouri Department of Labor is requesting information on the demographics of craft unions. Garry Kemp will investigate whether any data from the workforce study done by Strategic Workplace Solutions could be shared with the state.
•The proposed opening of the Missouri Occupational Titles appears dead. The Missouri legislature likely will see much discussion but not much actin on immigration.
•Garry Kemp is awaiting a proposal to do a study on misclassification for Missouri similar to an Illinois study. Also, copies of the prevailing wage CD are available; with the constant need to educate public officials, consideration will be given to customizing the CD for KC area and distributing it to area elected and key appointed officials.
•The petition to reconsider the KCMO Council’s support of the Bannister Mall TIF project is not likely to succeed. KCMO residents are being encouraged not to sign the petition being circulated.
•Gaming projects are largely on hold waiting for the state to complete its consideration process and for the state Supreme Court to rule on the law’s validity.
•Troy Carlson provided a review of the results of the IBEW-NECA Town Hall meetings with rank-and-file members and with contractors. Top results from workers: Image, mentoring, planning/communication and attitude/accountability; from contractors: reform of union rules, attitude/accountability and merit pay/work classifications. The process of implementing recommendations is underway; next steps include a more intensive marketing campaign, making use of existing programs more effectively or widely and analysis of which specific suggestions will have. Mark Breslin may be brought back next year.
The Kansas City Construction Partners has incorporated, elected a board and executive committee, and retained Troy Carlson to develop am target projects. Participating crafts and their management counterparts include NECA/IBEW, Plumbers Local 8/MCA, Pipefitters Local 533/MCA, Sheet Metal Workers Local 2?/SMACNA, Sprinkler Fitters Local 314, and Roofers Local 20/Associated Roofing Contractors. Insulators Local 27/Kansas City Insulation Contractors and Teamsters Local 541 are close to participation. All crafts and contractor associations are sought for participation. Each participating craft and association receives a seat on the Board.
The KCCP’s principles include a code of conduct, substance abuse testing, safety training for all workers and no work stoppages due to jurisdictional disputes.
•The American Subcontractors Association will hold its annual awards dinner on March 4 at the Ritz Charles. All contractors are welcome to participate as there will be numerous awards. Contact Herb Millard at the ASA for information.
•NICE’s iBuild event is set for May 6 at Bartle Hall. Crayons to CAD contestants will participate as well as high school students. Contractor/union booths are now being reserved. NICE’s annual golf tournament will be on June 2 at Oakwood Country Club. Contact Craig Wright or Herb Millard for details on both events.
NICE’s high school curriculum is in place in the Kansas City Kansas district, and 30 teachers from many area districts participated in the training for an 8th grade Crayons to CAD program this year. The Shawnee Mission district is interested in the high school curriculum.
The Kansas City, Mo. School District Board will hear on Jan. 22 and hopefully approve a proposal for $3 million to begin the Engineering and Construction Academy in the fall at the former Anderson Middle School. Funds from state and federal sources are being sought for the remaining $3 million needed to build out the academy for the expected number of students. About 120 students are expected to participate in the fall; the principal and teachers for the new school have been hired. A presentation on the ECA will be made to the Greater Kansas City Chamber in January and a meeting with Rep. Cleaver is set for Jan. 25. Missouri State Sen. Yvonne Wilson has expressed support for attracting state funds to the project. The ECA is the first phase of the district’s plans for the Manual High School property which total $108 million for a new administration building and another academy. The industry is encouraged to express support for the project to federal and state elected officials. The NICE board will meet immediately following the Construction Committee meeting.
•Dave Kendrick requested ideas for the Building Trades booth at SkillsUSA. The area will be very large and visible along Broadway and 13th. Apprenticeship coordinators are working on the content of the area but ideas are sought for a large, perhaps moveable, slogan or image. A discussion of this will be on hte Feb. 14 committee agenda.
•Committee priorities discussed for 2008 include discussion and education of contractors and rank and file on the KCCP principles and support for the Engineering and Construction Academy.
•The next meeting will be at 8 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 14 at Mark One.
•Adjourn at 9:40 a.m.