Summary of Minutes LMC Board Meeting Jan. 16, 2008,
J.E. Dunn Construction Co., 929 Holmes
Attending: Lyle Farrand, Rick Greeno, Don Greenwell, Garry Kemp, Robbie Makinen, Rory O’Connor,, Tom Whittaker, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Tom Whittaker and J.E. Dunn Construction Co. for hosting.
•Due to the lack of a quorum, each of the following motions will be voted on via email/fax by the entire Board.
•M/S/C to approve receipt of the Financial (Cash Flow only) Report. A full report will be made in March.
•Strategic Planning activities continue. Bob Jacobi is meeting with Pat Dunn next week. All Board members will receive information on the Labor and Employment Relations Association national industry labor-management committees as well as those in similar industries here.
•M/S/C to adopt the following Issues Committee recommendations:
--That the LMC endorse the renewal of Kansas City’s transit tax on the April 8 ballot.
--That the LMC take no position on any smoking ban issues on the April 8 Kansas City, Mo., ballot.
--That the LMC endorse the Bannister Mall TIF project approved by the City Council and support its retention if brought to a ballot issue.
--That the LMC endorse retention of the Missouri Plan for judicial selection and the similar policy that exists in Kansas.
--That the LMC oppose immigration reform proposals that would put the burden of I-9 verification on contractors for subcontractors. Verification responsibility should fall only on the direct employer of those workers
--That the LMC support the removal of gaming loss limits in Missouri.
--That the LMC support reforms of 1099 misclassification enforcement in Missouri.
--That the LMC endorse the renewal of the Overland Park sales tax for infrastructure.
--Support restoration of Missouri programs that foster economic development and provide critical services such as Medicaid, education, the arts, childcare subsidies for working parents and others.
--Continue past positions in Missouri and Kansas regarding:
--Support for Prevailing Wage in its present form
--Support for reasonable and effective economic development incentives
--Support for transportation funding and planning for future transportation systems and funding.
--Opposition to TABOR (taxpayer bill of rights)
--Support restoration of Medicaid funding to its level before the cuts of 2005.
--Table at this time any position regarding school vouchers in Missouri or Kansas.
•April 17 is the date for the 2008 Awards Dinner. A speaker will be sought from Kansas City Power & Light; if no top executive is available, a request will be made to General Motors.
•The Golf Tournament will be July 21 at Oakwood Country Club. Donations of food and beverage are being sought.
•M/S/C to approach Donna Birks about moving to an open Executive Committee spot from the Board. Louie Wright is searching for non-construction industry representatives; and management will search for Treasurer and open Executive Committee and Board positions with also an emphasis on non-construction industry representation, and bring those names to the March Board meeting.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 1 p.m.
2008 Board schedule and locations
March 14, FIre Fighters Local 42
May 21?, Greater Kansas City Building & Construction Trades Council
July 16, Teamsters Local 541
Sept. 17, Builders’ Association Training Center
Nov. 19, Fire Fighters Local 42