Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008, Mark One Electric, 909 Troost
Attending: Rosana Biondo, Troy Carlson, Jim Delaney, Gary Eagan, Lyle Farrand, Rick Greeno, Frank Jackson, Garry Kemp, Dave Kendrick, Bob Looman, Payne Mendenhall, Herb Millard, Bill Miller, Julie Perkins, Lonnie Scott, Kevin Sexton, Ron Shafer, John Tompson, Craig Wright, Bob Jacobi., Doug Martin, Oz Qureshi.
•Introductions and thanks to Rosie Biondo and Mark One for hosting.
•Presentation from YouthBuild regarding a Kansas City Housing Authority program to train 18-24 year-olds in basic work and construction skills using residential construction projects and other curriculum. YouthBuild plans to train, place and follow-up on 37 per year for two years under a $1 million+ U.S. DOL grant. Many participants are minorities and/or females. The Committee suggests that the program connect with apprenticeship programs, NICE and other programs doing similar or complementary work and invites YouthBuild to return to future meetings.
•Mickey Dean is now interim Human Relations director for KCMO, and the one-year grace period is coming up for the KCMO Minority Workforce Ordinance. The Committee will closely monitor the progress of ordinance implementation.
•M/S/C to recommend that the LMC oppose the “Missouri Civil Rights Initiative” that would ban affirmative action programs and is attempting to gather signatures to get on the ballot. Opponents are urging Missourians to not sign the petition.
•M/S/C to recommend that the LMC oppose proposed changes in the U.S. Small Business Administration rule that would severely limit the areas of federal contracting that include women as disadvantaged contractors.
•The Kansas City Council is waiting for the results of proposed Missouri legislation regarding sale of stolen metals to require vide identification.
•The Kansas legislature is considering the Holcomb power plant and a future transportation plan, and gaming is moving forward pending the Kansas Supreme Court ruling.
•The Kansas City Construction Partnership is meeting with owners, contractors and developers. It is also working with Johnson County and the Mid-America Regional Council on unified code. The Dunn headquarters project is underweight and other possible projects are being sought.
•KCPL President Bill Downey will be the keynote speaker at the LMC Awards Dinner on April 17 at Argosy Casino. Invitations will go out soon.
•M/S/C to recommend that the LMC elect Mike Ballard, KCPL construction manager, to its Board.
•NICE’s iBuild is May 6. Boths are still available and volunteers needed. It will include the Crayons to CAD middle school contest and 2,500 high and middle school students. A more formal job fair will be a part of this year’s iBuild, based on a test at the March 29 KCMO youth job fair. NICE is moving forward with KCK schools and is working with Independence, Shawnee Mission, Blue Valley, DeSoto and Hickman Mills districts on curriculum. The Construction & Engineering Academy proposal will be presented to the KCMO School Board Education Committee tonight and to the full Board next week for approval of $10 million over three years. Rep. Cleaver has requested $4 million from the federal government and Sen. WIlson at least $1 million from Missouri to complete the renovation of the first building and creation of the iBuild lab.
•The Building Trades are encouraging participation at a March 12, 6-8 a.m. breakfast fundraiser for Jay Nixon.
•The next meeting will be 8 a.m., Thursday, March 13 at Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 9:20.