The previous post had a draft version--please disregard. Below is the final version.
Summary of Minutes
LMC Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at Fire Fighters Local 42
Attending: Jim Delaney, Lyle Farrand, Rick Greeno, Gerard Grimaldi, Garry Kemp, Robby Makinen, Bob Jacobi.
Thanks to Louie Wright and Local 42 for hosting. The LMC also expresses condolences regarding the death of a Local 42 member in the line of duty.
•M/S/C to accept the Financial Report.
•M/S/C to survey participants in the strategic planning process to determine why participation in the process declined, to continue current areas of focus and to remain open to broader participation as opportunities and expressions of interest arise.
•The Board concurs with Issues Committee recommendation to take no position on the Kansas City, Mo., ballot issue regarding pay day loan regulations and continue to emphasize the importance of the transportation tax renewal on the April ballot.
•Rory O’Connor has changed positions and is now with On Goal/Lane 4. The Board will request that Rory assume the co-chairmanship if his new employer joins the LMC and provides him the time to participate. Additional nominees to be presented at the Awards Dinner may be voted on via Email/fax ballot.
In addition to the list in the meeting materials, the following additional participants in the Awards Dinner have been received: Awards Sponsor, Operative Plasterers’& Cement Masons Local 518; table and ad, Sprinkler Fitters Local 314; and table, J.E. Dunn Construction Co., for a total to date of 98 reservations and $10,000+ in revenues leaving us about halfway to 2007 participation level. Printed invitations have just been mailed and additional promotion will be done.
•The next board meeting will be Tuesday, May 20, 11:30 a.m. at the Greater Kansas City Building & Construction Trades Council, 400 South Main, Independence, Mo.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 1 p.m.