Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008, Mark One Electric, 909 Troost
Attending: Terry Aikins, Rosana Biondo, Troy Carlson, Jim Delaney, Lyle Farrand, Jeff Fischer, Don Greenwell, Garry Kemp, Dave Kendrick, Bob Looman, Dave Lovetere, Leroy Lutes, Payne Mendenhall, Bill Miller, Herb Millard, Jon Thompson, Craig Wright, Bob Jacobi.
•Introductions and thanks to Rosie Biondo and Mark One for hosting.
•Moment of silence in memory of the victims of Sept. 11, 2001. The LMC Construction Committee met that morning and was where several members first heard of the attacks.
•Discussion of LMC Issues Committee recommendations. The Building Trades have endorsed the Kansas City, Mo., light rail issue on the November ballot, Question 1.
•M/S/C to recommend that the LMC Board appoint a committee to plan for the third Construction Industry Summit, with a goal of a February 2009 event for the industry and April or May 2009 for rank and file. The goals would be to report on activities and progress since the previous Summits and to discover any additional issues customers want the organized industry to address. Building Trades President Mark Ayres would be a keynote speaker.
•The Kansas City Construction Partners are working on new projects and distributed a brochure.
•Upcoming events include:
*Missouri Unemployment Comp Commission meeting on new proposal, 10 a.m.,
State Capitol in Jefferson City, Hearing Room 7
*Meeting on Communitywide Patient Satisfaction Survey, noon, Sept. 16, Plaza Library
*LMC Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m., Sept. 17, Builders’ Training Center
*LMC Mid-Level Leadership Summit, 4:30 p.m., Sept. 17, Rockhurst University. See attached.
*Laborers’ Charitable Foundation, Sept. 19, Drumm Farm. Proceeds go to DADS Day and to
the Laborers’ Foundation which provides scholarships for children of fallen Laborers.
*Mid-Level Leadership Program begins Oct. 1
*Minority Coalition Banquet, 11 a.m., Oct. 6, Argosy Casino. Speakers include an economist
and the national president of Women Construction Owners & Executives.
*Statewide Construction Labor-Management Meeting, 5 p.m., Oct. 14, Lake Ozark.
*LMC Public Officials Reception Nov. 20
•NICE is working to implement its curriculum at Van Horn High School in the Independence School District. Among the programs is a series of Power Lunches with industry leaders, students and district procurement officials. Rosie Biondo of Mark One Electric Co., Inc., will do the first one. Volunteers are sought for future luncheons. NICE is also working with MORENET to put Internet II video of a bridge project in Glasgow, Mo., in classrooms. NICE met with the Kansas City School Board and the school board is interested in the curriculum but not in making any capital investment. Further discussions will take place. Discussions are also under way with Kansas City Kansas, Center, Hickman Mills and Blue Valley districts.
•Garry Kemp provided a diversity update: numbers on city and Sports Complex projects look good particularly for minority workers; there is some concern that as the projects ramp up workforce will be available to maintain good numbers. The KCMO Workforce Board now has more staff and will soon issue a report.
•The next meeting will be 8 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 9, 2008 at Mark One Electric Inc.
•M/S/C to adjourn.