Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, June 11, 2009, Mark One Electric, 909 Troost
Attending: Terry Akins, Rosana Biondo, KC Borden, Jim Delaney, Gerald Eagan, Lyle Farrand, Soctt Hoisington, Kevin Istas, Pat Julo, Garry Kemp, Bob Looman, Dave Lovetere, Alise Martiny, Payne Mendenhall, Vince Migliazzo, Herb Millard, Dennis O’Grady, Dan Osman, Paul Stucky, John Tompson, Colleen White, Tom Whittaker, Craig Wright, Bob Jacobi, Emily Briseno, Jeff Bentley, Nina Babich, Nancy LaPorte.
•Iintroductions and thanks to Rosie Biondo and Mark One for hosting.
•Presentation from Jeff Bentley, Kansas City Ballet, on plans to renovate the former Union Station powerhouse building for its new studio and offices. The project can start as soon as about $738,000 in additional funding/cost reduction is achieved.
•The Construction Summit III Planning Committee has set mid to late October at Argosy Casino for the next Summit. Progress has been made on the agenda. The committee will likely next meet in July.
•Missouri HB 390 passed and includes provisions related to the implementation of required OSHA 10 training for all persons on the job--including both crafts and office personnel. Final rules are being developed by the Mo. Division of Labor Standards. Questions as to enforcement and coverage are outstanding. On July 25, Pipefitters Local 533 is holding an OSHA 10 certification program at either its hall or training center; all crafts are welcome to send participants, up to 200 total.
•The Missouri Division of Labor Standards has also issued an opinion that all projects with state TIF funds fall under prevailing wage requirements. Whether that includes existing projects is not yet determined.
•Gary Eagan is interested in contacts with Sen. Pat Roberts to encourage him to cosponsor a tax credit bill for sprinkler retrofits. Please contact him if you have a relationship with Sen. Roberts.
•Among the options on the table in the federal health care reform debate is taxation of employee health care benefits. Such taxation would be detrimental to workers and to union contractors and all are urged to contact members of Congress as soon as possible to express opposition to this option. The LMC Issues Committee will also consider the proposal. IBEW and Lockton have both developed letters on this proposal.
•Construction on the Holcomb power plant is expected to begin in February; a PLA is being negotiated this summer.
•Upcoming events include:
*DAD’S Day Poker Rum, Car & Bike Show, IBEW Local 124, June 13
*OSHA 500 Training June 15-19, Building Trades. The class is full but space can be available
for anyone else interested.
*KC CREW session on Economic Development, June 16, 4:30 p.m. at Embassy Suites.
*Gina Cline send-off June 17, Builders’ Training Center. Gina also seeks linkedin contacts to
boost her job search in Washington, D.C. where she is moving. She recently married.
*SkillsUSA at Bartle Hall June 23-25.
*Working Families Friend Golf Tournament June 24.
*Free seminar on Prevailing Wage Compliance led by Colleen White at Penn Valley, June 24.
*Rockhurst University Golf Tournament June 29 at Milburn Country Club.
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference July 6-8 at Lodge of the Four Seasons.
*KCK Chamber Golf Tournament July 8 at Dub’s Dread July 8.
*For Our Soldiers Golf Tournament July 10; more information to come.
*LMC Golf Tournament July 20 at Oakwood Country Club.
*OSHA 10 Training for union craft workers at Pipefitters Local 533 July 25.
*NICE Golf Tournament Aug. 17 at Oakwood Country Club.
*Building Trades Golf Tournament Aug. 20 at Eagles’ Landing Golf Club.
*ASA Golf Tournament Aug. 21.
*Argosy Casino Golf Tournament July 24 at Staley Farms.
*KC CREW Golf Tournament Sept. 22 at the National.
•NICE had a successful iBuild Showcase May 5 with 1100 students attending. The Crayons to CAD program had nearly 1400 participants. NICE recently received $433,000 from the proceeds of a lawsuit settlement between the Building Owners & Managers Association and the city of Kansas City, Mo.
•The National Maintenance Agreement has been modified for two years for work on Fiord Motor Co. and Chrysler plants. Provisions include payment of wages at a rate of 90%. The impact on other agreements is unclear.
•There will be no July meeting of the committee. The next meeting will be 8 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 13 at Mark One Electric Co., In.
•M/S/C to adjourn.