Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, May 12, 2011, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: KC Borden, Jim Delaney, Sang Duong, Joe Hudson, Steve Janasz, Ron Johnson, Dave Kendrick, Bill Livingston, Payne Mendenhall, Herb Millard, Dan Osman, Barbara Schilling, Reginald Thomas, John Tompson, Bob Jacobi.
•Introductions and thanks to Rosie Biondo and Mark One for hosting.
•Appreciation was expressed for the new Mark One Conference Center.
•None of the Missouri bills the LMC opposed appears to have a chance of passing in the legislature’s final two days, including HBs 828 and 138 and HJR 8. SB 202 was sent back to the Senate with amendments making it unlikely to pass as well. Dept. of Labor lost two enforcement positions but retained seven.
•The fate of the Plaza rezoning is unclear as the petition process to overturn the Council’s approval of rezoning is likely to be challenged in court. The LMC will consider a position on a ballot issue if it appears if the project will be done using local and union contractors.
•The subcommittee appointed at the last meeting to develop an agenda for meetings with key elected officials, particularly at KCMO, has met and developed a draft agenda as well as a prioritized list of whom to meet with. A report will be made at the next meeting.
•The LMC congratulates Jean Peters-Baker, appointed as new Jackson County Prosecutor.
•The iBuild Showcase was successful. More than 1,400 middle and high school students participated, an increase over last year with several new schools. More than 800 participated in Crayons to CAD, for a total of more than 1,700 students participating in iBuild and/or Crayons to CAD. Student surveys showed that nearly two-thirds said the event gave them a more positive view of construction as a career. Photos can be found on NICE’s Facebook site as well as the Kansas City Star web site. iBuild Chair Alise Martiny and NICE Education Consultant Barbara Schilling were congratulated for their work.
•The Council for Promoting American Business plans to begin raising funds for an updated study of the impact of prevailing wage in Missouri. Look for more details soon.
•Jim Delaney thanked the LMC for presenting him with the Leadership in Labor/Management Cooperation at its April 14 Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner.
•Upcoming events include:
*Builders’ Association Scholarship Golf Tournament, May 16, Milburn Country Club. A few spots remain available; contact Patty Carroll at the Builders’
*2nd Green Energy Conference May 17, IBEW Local 124
*KC CREW Luncheon on Biosciences and Development, May 17, 11:30 a.m., Mission Hills Country Club
*iBuild Committee recap session, May 18
*Jobsite tour of the new Livestrong Sporting Park in Kansas City, Kansas with our Kansas City chapter of the American Society for Professional Estimators (ASPE), May 18, 3:30 p.m.
*Warrior Appreciation Day, May 21, Brass Rail
*KCMO Affirmative Action Workshop for contractors and developers, May 24, EDC offices
*Rockhurst University Alumni Golf Tournament, June 13, Milburn Country Club
*SkillsUSA Conference June 20-23, Bartle Hall
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 5-8, Lodge of the Four Seasons (on-line conference registration now available at
*KCK Chamber Golf Tournament July 13, Painted Hills
*LMC Golf Tournament, July 18, Oakwood Country Club
*LMC Board of Directors meeting, July 21, Rockhurst University
*Building Trades Golf Tournament, Aug. 18, Eagles Landing
*KC Crew Golf Tournament, Aug. 30, Falcon Ridge
*ASA Golf Tournament, Sept. 27, Loch Lloyd
•The Construction Committee will meet next on July 14 at Mark One. The committee will not meet in August.
•M/S/C to adjourn.