Kansas City is fortunate to be among 16 U.S. communities that are part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-supported Aligning Forces for Quality health care project. Each of these communities is focused on making changes that enhance the quality-right care at the right time-of health care. This week several KC representatives visited the Aligning Forces project in Massachusetts, which has the additional challenge--and great benefit--of doing their work in the context of that state's health care reform of 2006. That reform has succeeded in covering 98% of the population and is now focusing on changing delivery methods, payment reform and wellness to address quality and cost. Engaging patients and employers is a key challenge both KC and Massachusetts face and both have innovative approaches underway.
We must have brought luck to the Royals as they split with the red-hot Red Sox while we were there. We thank Barbra Rabson and Barbara Lambiaso and the Massachusetts Health Quality Partners for their hospitality.
Please contact the LMC if you are interested in the Aligning Forces project.
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