Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes 8 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 9, 2011, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: Sam Alpert, Troy Carlson, Greg Chastain, Jim Delaney, Sang Duong, Don Greenwell, Joe Hudson, Steve Janasz, Ron Johnson, Dennis Joyce, Kevin King, Mike Kotubey, Dave Kendrick, Bill Livingston, Vince Migliazzo, Herb Millard, Dan Osman, Barbara Schilling, Derek Ramsey, John Tompson, Tom Whittaker, Colleen White, Keith Winn, Doug York, Chuck Caisley, Janice Dickey, Christian Morgan, Bob Jacobi.
•Introductions and thanks to Rosie Biondo and Mark One for hosting.
•Presentation from Chuck Caisley, KCPL, and Christian Morgan, Axiom Strategies, on behalf of the sales tax proposal for the Kansas City Zoo on the Nov. 8 ballot. The 1/8th cent tax will provide $120 million in capital improvements if passed in Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties. It is on the ballot in Jackson and Clay but court action is needed to recognize petitions to put it on the Cass and Platte ballots. Contracts will be let under rules for public projects in Jackson County. If successful, Johnson, Miami and Wyandotte counties will also be asked to join.
•A subcommittee has met with Council leaders Jan Marcason and Ed Ford and will next meet with Russ Johnson.
•The Missouri Senate begins debate on economic development proposal during the extra session.
•The Prevailing Wage Subcommittee is close to draft language for enhancing enforcement for presentation to the KCMO Council. More management input on the language would be welcome.
•The Mid-America Regional Council soon begins meetings of the PACE committee to generate energy-saving improvements to area homes and businesses. Please contact Sam Alpert for information. MARC is also seeking support for a grant to examine and perhaps coordinate codes for solar energy throughout the area. Sam is also the contact for input on that.
•At 9 a.m. Friday the Teamsters are loading trucks to take hay to drought-stricken areas in Texas.
•The Kansas City Construction Partners effort is being revived with new participation from the Carpenters. A recent meeting was productive and final details are being worked out. With all trades participating the KCCP will be a much stronger product.
•NICE is planning for the 2012 iBuild and Crayons to CAD programs. A date and location should be identified soon for iBuild.
•The prevailing wage study update is underway. Contributions to the Council for American Business are still being sought to help complete the project. Dave Kendrick is the contact.
•Janice Dickey reminded of the Fiduciary Responsibility Seminar Sept. 15.
•The next meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 13
.•M/S/C to adjourn.
Upcoming Events:
*US DOT Networking Event, Sept. 14, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., UMKC Pierson Auditorum
*Fiduciary Responsibility Seminar, Sept. 15, 7:30 a.m., Hilton Garden Independence
*Care About Your Care, Sept. 15, 10:30 a.m., Kauffman Foundation
*SIOR Development Day, Sept 15, 5-7:30 p.m., Downtown Marriott
*Laborers’ Charitable Foundation Golf Tournament, Sept. 23, Drumm Farm
*Teamsters Joint Council Charity Golf Tournament, Sept. 24, Paradise Point
*ASA Golf Tournament, Sept. 27, Loch Lloyd
*LMC Mid-Level Leadership Program Begins, Sept. 28
*ASA General Contractors Forum, Oct. 4, Union Station
*LMC Board of Directors, Oct. 20
*Election Day Nov. 8 ballot issues, Missouri State Representatives districts 39, 41
*KC CREW Luncheon, Regional Light Rail & Gardner Hub, Nov. 15, 11:30 a.m.
*LMC Public Officials Reception, 5-7 p.m., Kauffman Stadium, Nov. 17
For more information on the events, please contact the sponsoring organization or the LMC.