Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: Terry Akins, Sam Alpert, Jack Bainbridge, Troy Carlson, Jim Delaney, Don Greenwell, Scott Hoisington, Joe Hudson, Steve Janasz, Pat Julo, Garry Kemp, Kevin King, Dave Kendrick, Ron Johnson, Bill Livingston, Alise Martiny, Payne Mendenhall, Vince Migliazzo, Herb Millard, Dan Osman, Barbara Schilling, John Tompson, Colleen White, Keith Winn, Doug York, Cindy Dodge, Bob Jacobi.
•Introductions and thanks to Rosie Biondo and Mark One for hosting.
•The May committee meeting only will be held on the 2nd Friday, May 11, at 8 a.m., Mark One Electric Co., Inc. and will include Esther George, new president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Committee members are asked to bring economic forecasts from their organizations’ perspective to the meeting to present to George.
•A subcommittee will meet with KCMO City Manager Troy Schulte and city staff regarding the patrol station project and the KCCP on Feb. 21 at 1 p.m. Research will also be done on issues including the Section 3 requirements. Please contact Bob Jacobi if you wish to attend.
•M/S/C to issue a letter in support of federal TIGER funding for a proposed light rail (streetcar) line in Kansas City. Committee members are encouraged to issue support letters as well. The committee will seek further research on the project’s funding and will invite the Regional Transit Alliance to present on the larger “Sanders Plan” for commuter rail at a future meeting.
•The Prevailing Wage Subcommittee is close to recommending ordinance language for KCMO. Attorney Cindy Dodge, who is volunteering to review the language, said progress is being made. The subcommittee also submitted a draft (attached) for the LMC role in submitting FOI requests for certified payrolls. Comment on the draft is requested soon so it can be presented at the next committee meeting for recommendation to the LMC board. Please provide comments to KevinKing, [email protected], 313-9420.
•Missouri SBs 438 and 439 are now on the Senate Informal Calendar and could come to the floor at any time. Committee members are urged to continue contacting Senators to express opposition to these bills.
•Kansas HB 2592, which would require government contractors to pay only the minimum wage and ban local governments from enacting a prevailing wage, was tabled in the Commerce Committee. It could be brought back. KS HB 2515, to ban PLAs, was amended to clarify and passed the committee with a floor vote expected soon. SB 318 requiring Kansas workers on government contracts; moves are being made to amend to include workers in counties that border Kansas. HB 2501, regarding property tax on machinery and equipment, may be needed to prevent counties from circumventing the business exemption enacted several years ago. The attorney general opinion on the Mission driveway tax has generated requests for refunds, and legal action may be taken.
•Research will be done to help identify signatory minority contractors and to clarify that sufficient union minority contractors exist to meet and exceed requirements. Sandra Walker with KCMO will be contacted.
•The Hollywood Casino has opened and was a highly successful project.
•NICE’s next iBuild Showcase has been extended to April 30, 2013. A Crayons to CAD contest event will be held at the Builders’ Association April 26 and judges will be needed.
•The next meeting will be 8 a.m., Thursday, March 8 at Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
•Adjourned at 9:15 a.m.Upcoming Events
*KCASA Contractor Expo, Feb. 16, 4-7 p.m., Kauffman Center for Performing Arts
*Rally for Historic Tax Credit, Feb. 16, 5:30 p.m., The Terrace on Grand 1520 Grand
*KC CREW Impact Awards, Feb. 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m., location TBA
*Unified Government MBE/WBE Construction Fair, March 6, 3-6 p.m., City Hall
*New Markets Tax Credit Summit, March 14, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Kauffman Foundation
*FMCS Director George Cohen Speaks in KC, March 22
*Builders’ Midwest Safety Conference, March 21-23, Adams Pointe Conference Center
*KC CREW luncheon, March 27, 11:30 a.m., Mission Hills Country Club
*LMC Awards Dinner, April 12, Argosy Casino
*KCASA Awards Dinner, April 19, Ritz Charles
*Jazz Event for American Diabetes Association, April 25
*Working Families Friend Texas Holdem Tournament, 5:30 p.m., April 27, Pipefitters/Plumbers Hall
*Construction Committee meeting date change for May, to Friday, May 11
*Builders’ Association Scholarship Golf Tournament, May 15, Milburn Country Club
*KCASA Sport Shoot, May 18, Powder Creek
*Working Families Friend Golf Tournament, June 20, Teetering Rocks
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 15-18, Lodge of the Four Seasons
*LMC Golf Tournament, July 23, Oakwood Country Club
*GKC Building Trades Golf Tournament, Aug. 16, Eagles Landing Golf Club
*Working Families Friend Fall Cookout, Sept. 6