LMC Board of Directors Summary of Minutes
April 12, 2012, 8 a.m. • MMC Contractors
Attending: Sam Alpert, Jack Bainbridge, Scott Hoisington, Mike Kotubey, Michael Kitchen, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Mike Kotubey and MMC Contractors for hosting.
•M/S/C to approve the Financial Report subject to audit.
•M/S/C to approve the Issues Committee recommendations (attached).
•All three issues positions endorsed by the LMC on the April Kansas City, Mo., ballot were successful. The KCMO Council is also advancing two ordinances that resulted in part from efforts of the Construction Committee: renewing the Workforce Board and requirements for diverse workforce participation on city-funded projects and a debarrment ordinance strengthening the tools to address contractors who violate prevailing wage and other rules on city projects.
•The Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner is nearing 200 participants. Reservations are still being accepted.
•Upcoming events include the Mid-America Labor/Management Conference July 14-17, the LMC’s Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament (again with Cigna as title sponsor) July 22 and the Public Officials Reception Nov. 21. The Mid-Level Leadership Program is accepting applications for classes beginning likely Sept. 25.
•M/S/C to add Bret Bonge, Kansas City Power & Light Co., to the list of nominations for a three-year board term to be voted on at the Awards Dinner.
•LMC and member organization issues can be examined as a part of capstone projects for Rockhurst University undergraduate and MBA students in the Helzberg School of Management. Please contact Bob Jacobi with suggestions soon.
•Members are encouraged to volunteer and otherwise support the iBuild Showcase which exposes high school and middle school students to potential construction industry careers. It will be held April 30 at Bartle Hall.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 9:30 a.m.
The Issues Agenda for 2013:
The following issues positions have been adopted by the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City by a unanimous vote of its Board of Directors:
•Support construction of the Keystone pipeline project.
Note: we also expressed support for a federal transportation bill, which was passed, based on past positions and current state positions. An interim bill was passed but a longer-term measure is still needed.
Watch List:
•Oppose a benefits tax in federal health care reform; Any future stimulus funds include significant vertical construction projects.
•The LMC supports reasonable and effective economic development incentives. While the LMC supports ensuring that tax credits and other incentives are cost effective, we want to preserve those tax credits crucial to economic development such as the historic tax credit, tax increment financing and enact an angel tax credit and data center incentives.
•The LMC supports the Quality Jobs program.
•The LMC opposes legislation to impose “right-to-work.”
•The LMC supports maintaining and increasing Medicaid eligibility and adequate provider reimbursement.
•The LMC supports state funding for a comprehensive transportation plan.
•The LMC supports Prevailing Wage in its present form.
•The LMC opposes TABOR (taxpayer bill of rights).
•The LMC endorses retention of the Missouri Plan for judicial selection and the similar policy that exists in Kansas.
•The LMC supports development of a statutory framework for public employee collective bargaining in Missouri to reduce uncertainty for workers and for public employers.
Watch: Unemployment Insurance, Workers Compensation, Utility Rates & Energy Capacity, Education/Kansas City School District.
•The LMC supports reasonable and effective economic development incentives.
•The LMC supports continued funding for the comprehensive transportation plan.
•The LMC endorses retention of the Missouri Plan for judicial selection and the similar policy that exists in Kansas.
•The LMC opposes immigration reform proposals that would put the burden of I-9 verification on contractors for subcontractors. Verification responsibility should fall only on the direct employer of those workers.
Watch: Kansas “driveway” tax (proposed requirement for impact study if increasing user fees)