The Missouri House of Representatives took votes on three issues high on the LMC's agenda: •HB 1770 is “right-to-work” ballot issue. The LMC opposed this bill. The vote was to perfect the bill, which was successful, but not enough yes votes were cast to ultimately pass it.
•HB 1441 eliminates prevailing wage on MHDC projects in declared disaster areas. The LMC opposed this bill. It was perfected with 85 votes and passed with 88; the vote listed is for passage. It now goes to the Senate.
•HJR 68 is to send a one-cent sales tax for transportation proposal to the ballot. The LMC supports this bill. It was passed with 96 votes and goes to the Senate.
Special thanks to the 11 area Representatives who voted in accordance with the LMC’s position on all three issues: Pat Conway, Gail McCann Beatty, Tom McDonald, Kevin McManus, Bonnaye Mims, Chris Mollendorp, Judy Morgan, Myron Neth, John Rizzo, Joe Runons and Jay Swearingen.
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