The Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City hosted more than 150 governmental, business and labor leaders at its annual Public Officials Reception Oct. 9 at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. Photos from the event are in the album at left, 2014 Public Officials Reception.
Elected and appointed public officials from all levels of government, both states and both parties gathered to network in the spectacular Kauffman Center. And many attendees stayed after the reception to see a dress rehearsal of Alice in Wonderland by the Kansas City Ballet at the Ballet’s invitation. The performance opened the next night.
The event was made possible by the following sponsors, volunteers and supporters:
Builders’ Association
IBEW Local 124
Bank of Labor
Pipefitters Local 533
Sheet Metal Workers Local 2
Greater KC Firefighters Local 42
Ullico Investment Company, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of KC, Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO, Greater Kansas City Building & Construction Trades Council, Heavy Construction Laborers Local 663, Plasterers’ & Cement Masons Local 518, Scout Investments, Service Employees International Union Local 1, Teamsters Local 541
Greg Lever, National Institute for Construction Excellence, JE Dunn Construction Co. Laborers Local 264
Husch Blackwell, Michael D. Fitzgerald, Hon. Jake Hummel, Secretary-Treasurer, Missouri AFL-CIO, Mike Louis, President, Missouri AFL-CIO, Mechanical Contractors Association, SMACNA-KC, Colleen White, SWS, Inc.
Special thanks Rockhurst University volunteers Victoria Ratcliff and Christine Troung, to Mary Jacobi, and to the Kansas City Ballet.
Thanks to all who supported and attended the reception.