Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: Sam Alpert, Greg Chastian, Brian Dietz, Jerry Helmick, Scott Hoisington, Matt Johnson, Dennis Joyce, Greg Lever, Joe Mabin, Alise Martiny, Jon Thompson, Colleen White, Brian Wood, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Rosana Privitera Biondo and Mark One Electric Co., Inc. for hosting.
•Brian Wood, OSHA, updated the committee on changes to OSHA reporting requirements. Details can be found at OSHA’s web site: Fact Sheet on the reporting requirements update: ; List of industries that include establishments that would be newly required to keep records: ; New list of industries partially exempt from OSHA record keeping requirements: . Brian can also be contacted for assistance: 816-283-0545 x244, [email protected].
•The Missouri General Assembly opened its 2015 session yesterday. With a new House speaker, committee structures have been changed and assignments yet to be announced. A Labor and Industrial Relations Committee will consider legislation from Employment Security and Workforce Development Committees, among other changes. See attached. Also, the new House Speaker was more philosophical in his opening remarks, calling for accountable, smaller government.
•In Kansas transportation funding is threatened thanks to the large budget deficit.
•Concerns were raised about economic development agencies in KCMO and the need for consistency among them as well as stability. The Committee will continue discussions on ways to help implement such consistency. Successful projects such as the East Patrol station should be highlighted particularly for the labor-management cooperation making them successful.
•Wage reports are due soon to the state of Missouri for prevailing wage enforcement.
•The Midland Theater project will be prevailing wage, and begun after the One-Light apartment project is completed; a second One Light project is likely.
•Registration for iBuild booths, sponsorships and volunteers is now available. The showcase will be April 14 at Bartle Hall with a reception 5-7 p.m. April 13. NICE is also reaching out for expanded membership and other support.
Upcoming events:
*Inauguration for Jackson County Executive and Legislature, today, 6-7 p.m., Truman Library
*Kansas legislative session begins, Jan. 12
*LMC Board of Directors 8:30 a.m., Jan. 15
*Media forum on KCMO Elections, Jan. 21, Downtown KCMO Library, 6 p.m.
*Health care value-based purchasing conference, Jan. 26-27, Kauffman Foundation
*Project Management Impact on Financial Outcomes, 7:30 a.m., Jan. 29, Overland Park
Sheraton (contact MCA-KC)
*Midwest Safety Conference, March 5, Adams Pointe Conference Center
*iBuild Showcase, April 14, 2015, Bartle Hall
*LMC Anniversary & Awards Dinner, April 16, Argosy Casino
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 5-8, 2015, Camden on the Lake
*LMC Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament, July 20, Oakwood Country Club
For details on the above events, please contact the sponsoring group or the LMC
•New Business
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
•Adjourn at 9:15 a.m