Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, May 14, 2015, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: Terry Akins, Conseulo Cruz, Greg Davey, Brian Dietz, Jerry Helmick, Matt Johnson, Dennis Joyce, Greg Lever, Bill Livingston, John Tompson, Colleen White, Brian Wood, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Rosana Privitera Biondo and Mark One Electric Co., Inc. for hosting.
•Plans for a major convention hotel in downtown KCMO have been announced. A hotel at the Hollywood Casino is on hold for a few years, with the Unified Government using penalty revenues for employee raises until then. The KCMO Streetcar is beginning to lay rail. Also in KCMO, the One Light project achieved a perfect compliance audit of both JE Dunn Construction and project subcontractors.
•”Right-to-Work” was passed by the Missouri legislature; the Senate invoked a rarely used “previous question” to force a vote, which has effectively ended Senate action through adjournment Friday at 6 p.m. The House is in limbo due to the “interngate” situation affecting Speaker Diehl (Note: he has since resigned from the House). Neither favorable house vote produced enough votes to override a promised gubernatorial veto; committee members are urged to contact Gov. Nixon supporting a veto and legislators who had voted no to urge they keep that position. The proposed gas tax for transportation is effectively dead for the session; Missouri will face a transportation funding crisis in a few years and Kansas is seeing cuts to balance its budget. Missouri’s budget also cut three prevailing wage enforcement positions.
•Kansas HB 2074 will be debated today; it would lower the state’s percentage take of slot machines at racetracks, an attempt to revive the Woodlands but the bill’s prospect is also causing the stall in building the Hollywood Casino hotel. The LMC opposed similar bills in the past.
•KCMO is expected to pass an ordinance requiring mandatory benchmarking of large commercial and residential buildings. The LMC opposed the ordinance, but negotiated in committee for provisions that eliminate a “shaming list,” reduce compliance penalties and eliminate a verification requirement so the LMC became neutral on the substitute ordinance.
•KCMO’s Planned Industrial Expansion Authority has a new director in place, David Macoubrie. PIEA is looking to include prevailing wage on more of its future projects. It is also considering E-Verify requirements as well. Each of the economic development agencies has their own requirements for whether prevailing wage is required, though all are under the Economic Development Corp. umbrella.
•A proposed KCMO additional certification authority for women contractors is now an “advisory” source.
•NICE held a successful iBuild Showcase April 14 with nearly 2,000 students attending, about half middle and half high school students from 46 schools.
•Gov. Nixon gave a rousing and well-received speech to the national Building Trades Conference in Washington, DC.
•OSHA has developed new construction standards which take effect Aug. 15. Check OSHA’s website or contact Brian Wood, local OSHA labor liaison, for details. Specific areas addressed included confined spaces in attics, crawl spaces, sewer systems and pits.
•The Committee will not meet in July due to the Mid-America Labor/Management Conference.
•Upcoming events include:
*Builders’ Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament, May 18, Milbourn Country Club
*Workers Memorial Day, April 28, 8 a.m., Builders’ Training Center
*Midwest Minority & Women Business Expo, May 13, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., MCC BTC
*HCA Luncheon, Guadalupe Center, May 20, 11:30 a.m.
*Federal Procurement Conference hosted by Sen. McCaskill, UCM in Warrensburg, May 28
*NAWIC Golf Tournament, June 8, Adams Pointe Golf Club (Blue Springs)
*Rockhurst University Joseph Freeman Golf Tournament, June 29, Lions Gate
*KCMO general election day June 23
*Working Families Friend Golf Tournament, June 16, The National/Duece
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 5-8, 2015, Camden on the Lake
*LMC Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament, July 20, Oakwood Country Club
*KC CREW Golf Tournament, Aug. 6, Shoal Creek
*Working Families Friend Fall Cookout, Sept. 10
*LMC Public Officials Reception, Oct. 15, 5-7 p.m., Kauffman Performing Arts Center
*Construction Expo Oct. 21
For details on the above events, please contact the sponsoring group or the LMC
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, May 14, 2015, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.