LMC Board of Directors Summary of Minutes
July 23, 2015, 8:30 a.m. • KC NECA
Attending: Terry Akins, Sam Alpert, Tim Bell, KC Borden, James Daley, Brian Deitz, Allen Dilllingham, Dave Dudzik, Don Greenwell, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to KC Borden and KC NECA for hosting.
•M/S/C to approve the Financial Report and the proposed 2015-16 budget.
•The LMC will pursue an aggressive membership recruitment effort, ways to add more value to membership and event sponsorship particularly for associate members, enhanced/new revenue generation methods for events and possible event(s) attractive to younger participants.
•Most legislative agenda items will again be under consideration during the 2016 legislative sessions. Continued communications are urged to Missouri legislators who voted “no” on “right-to-work” to prevent an override during the veto session Sept. 16.
•Ideas for programs at the 2016 Mid-America Labor/Management Conference are welcome.
•The 2015 golf tournament was the most successful in many years. The capacity to take credit cards for raffles/mulligans will be developed for 2016. The contract with Oakwood Country Club is now complete; a decision on next year will be discussed at the October board meeting.
•Candidates for the Mid-Level Leadership Program are now being accepted.
•The 2015 Public Officials Reception will be Oct. 15 at the Kauffman Performing Arts Center. Generating attendance from the new KCMO Council members will be a priority.
•The Construction Industry Committee along with the Builders’ Association, JE Dunn Construction and Turner Construction are holding a Workforce Summit Aug. 7 at the Builders’ Training Center. Two sessions will focus on recruitment of minority and female workers in particular.
•Sam Alpert has become Co-Chair with Scott Hoisington’s resignation.
•M/S/C to elect Dave Dudzik, Turner Construction Co., to the Board to fill a vacant position.
•The next board meeting will be at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 1 at the Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO office, 1021 Pennsylvania, KCMO 64111.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 10:30 a.m.
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