Kansas City, Mo - Contractor IBC Inc. (International Builders & Consultants) and Kansas City Area Transportation Authority President Robbie Makinen were honored at the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City’s (LMC) 37th Anniversary Celebration and 17th Awards Dinner April 21 at Argosy Casino. The event was attended by nearly 300 business, labor and government leaders.
The LMC recognized IBC with its Leadership in Labor-Management Cooperation Award. IBC and its president Brandy McCombs was honored for working closely with its three signatory trades to “execute a positive vision of the construction industry from helping to recruit new apprentices to hiring women and minorities, and to creating a safe workplace.” The award was accepted by Tony Valencia, director of business development. IBC was also recently honored as one of the region’s most outstanding small businesses.
Makinen, a past LMC Board member when he served as Jackson County economic development director, earned the Service to the LMC honor. Makanin provided outstanding support to the LMC as a board member, including improving the role of labor-management relations in economic development, cooking outstanding food for the LMC’s golf tournament, promoting the Mid-America Labor/Management Conference and continuing to support labor-management collaboration in his new role at the KCATA.
Sam Alpert, Construction Users Council executive director, was re-elected as the Management Co-Chair of the LMC, while Brian Dietz, JE Dunn Construction Co. vice president and Midwest region general counsel, was elected Vice Co-Chair. Alise Martiny, Greater Kansas City Building and Construction Trades Council business manager, was reelected secretary and Don Greenwell, Builders’ Association president, as treasurer. Elected to a renewed term on the LMC Executive Committee was Mike Kane, Tri-County AFL-CIO, with Curt Summers, Husch Blackwell, newly elected to the committee. LMC Board of Directors reelected were KC Borden, Kansas City National Electrical Contractors Association; Dave Dudzik, Turner Construction Co., and Chuck Tarpley, Plumbers Local 8.
Graduates of the LMC’s Mid-Level Leadership Program at Rockhurst University were also recognized. Those attending included Jacob Bosch, Metro Lutheran Ministries; Denise Brame, Kansas City Power & Light Co., and Gary Reese, Fire Fighters Local 42. Unable to attend were graduates James Garrett, Kansas City Fire Department; JD Hackett, MMC Contractors; Troy Pitts, City of Kansas City, Mo.; Michael Smith, City of Kansas City, Mo., and Tim Taylor, JE Dunn Construction Co.
Delta Innovative Services, Inc. was the event’s Founding level sponsor. Anniversary level sponsors included the Builders’ Association, Cigna, Power Partners and Turner Construction Co.; Awards level, Bank of Labor, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, General Construction Laborers Local 264, Humana, JE Dunn Construction Co., Pipefitters Local 533 and Teamsters Local 41; and supporter Michael D. Fitzgerald, P.C. Volunteers were Mary Jacobi, Nicole Abrahamson, Builders’ Association; Robin Norris, Builders’ Association; and Emilia Peek, E&K, along with photography from Bill Wien, Builders’ Association.
Future LMC events announced include the Mid-America Labor/Management Conference July 10-13 at Camden on the Lake, the annual Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament July 18 at Oakwood Country Club and the annual Public Officials Reception Oct. 6 at the Kauffman Performing Arts Center.
Look for photos soon in the photo album 2016Anniversary&Awards to the left.
The mission of the LMC is to enhance collaboration and trust between labor and management and the community. The LMC is a nonprofit association based at Rockhurst University. More information about the event and the LMC can be found at http://labormanagementkc.typepad.com, and by contacting Bob Jacobi, executive director, at (816) 501-4565 or [email protected].