LMC Board of Directors Summary of Minutes
Oct. 19, 2016, 8:30 a.m. • Rockhurst University
Attending: Sam Alpert, James Daley, Brian Dietz, Mike Kane, Bob Jacobi, Peter Witte, Jennifer Wampler
•Thanks to Rockhurst University for hosting.
•Presentation from Peter Witte and Jennifer Wampler of the UMKC Conservatory of Music and Dance on the proposal for a Downtown Campus for the Arts. Those interested and supporters can follow on Twitter @umkc cons; the Conservatory is presenting its annual concerts on Nov. 4.
•M/S/C to approve the Financial Report.
•M/S/C (subject to email vote from the full board) to endorse the following positions on November ballot issues:
—No on Kansas City, Mo., Question 3
—Yes on Mid-Continent Public Library Proposition L
—Yes on Jackson County Question 1
—Yes on Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools Bond Issue
—Yes on Johnson County Public Safety sales tax
—Yes on Smithville School District levy increase and bond issuance
•M/S/C to proceed with the dates of April 20, 2017 for the Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner, and July 17, 2017 for the Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament.
•The Jackson County Assessor’s office is discussing the upcoming reassessment process with owners of multifamily facilities today, 3 p.m. at the Construction Users Council office, and with owners of commercial office buildings tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at DST Realty. All are welcome to attend.
•The Mayors’ Prayer Breakfast will feature Kansas City, Mo., Chief of Police Darryl Forte on Feb. 21 at Bartle Hall.
•The Kansas Citian of the Year award will be presented to Jackson County Executive Frank White by the Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas City on Nov. 10. Some tickets remain.
•Suggestions for increasing board engagement were discussed.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 10:15 a.m.
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