Summary of Minutes
LMC Board of Director Meeting
8:30 a.m. • Jan. 25, 2017 • Rockhurst University
Attending: Sam Alpert, TIm Bell, Bret Bonge, KC Borden, Allen Dillingham, Mike Kane, Michael Kitchen, Jason Mendenhall, Bob Jacobi.
•M/S/C to accept the financial report.
•M/S/C to make the following changes to the LMC Issues Agenda:
—Support continuation of Davis-Bacon in any new federal infrastructure program
—Opposed any federal “right-to-work” law
—Support state matching funds for the downtown UMKC performing arts campus
—Support reinstatement of a local option for prevailing wage in Kansas
—Support the three ballot questions comprising the city of Kansas City, Mo., $800 million bond issue
—Support prevailing wage on projects with economic development incentives
--Support modernization of Kansas City International Airport
•The LMC will encourage members to meet with leaders of the effort to preserve Missouri historic tax credits.
•The proposed merger between Kansas City Power & Light Co. and Westar Energy is expected to close in the second quarter this year. Public hearings in Kansas are next week. The companies are working to minimize the impact on jobs.
•Reservations are being taken for the 38th Anniversary Celebration and 18th Awards Dinner at Argosy Casino April 20. The deadline for sponsorships to make the printed program is late February.
•M/S/C to hold the 2017 Public Officials Reception in October, with Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts the first choice.
•M/S/C to elect Jason Mendenhall to the board to complete the term of Jack Bainbridge.
•M/S/C to elect Danny Gercone to the board to complete the term of Ron Johnson.
•M/S/C to nominate Don Greenwell as Secretary and Alise Martiny as Treasurer to be elected at the Awards Dinner.
•M/S/C to nominate Jason Mendenhall as Vice Co-Chair (Labor) to be elected at the Awards Dinner.
•The following committees will be revived/established: Leadership/Nominating, Marketing and Membership and Workforce Development. Committees on events and programs will be established as need and interest arise. Alise Martiny and Don Greenwell will be asked to serve on the Leadership/Nominating Committee. Board members are welcome to volunteer for these committees and/or to suggest other participants as well.
•The next meeting will be 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 12, location TBA. Volunteers for a location are welcome.