Congrats to folks from LMC members named to the Kansas City Business Journal's Power 100: Terry Bassham, Kansas City Power & Light Co.; Rosana Privitera Biondo, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.; Ramin Cherafat, McCownGordon Construction Co.; Tim Cowden, Kansas City Area Development Council; Brett Gordon, McCownGordon Construction Co.; Don Greenwell, Builders' Association; Sly James, City of Kansas City, Mo.; Gordon Lansford, JE Dunn Construction Co.; Quinton Lucas, City of Kansas City, Mo.; Robbie Makinen, Kansas City Area Transportation Authority; Joe Reardon, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce; Troy Schulte, City of Kansas City, Mo.; Charlie Shields, Truman Medical Centers; Scott Taylor, City of Kansas City, Mo.; Maurice Watson, Husch Blackwell; Russ Welch, Polsinelli; and Danette Wilson, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City. We also note several others who work closely with the LMC: David Alvey, Unified Government; Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, past LMC honoree; Esther George, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City;Bridget McCandless, Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City; and Eileen Weir, city Independence.
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