LMC member the Builders' Association has installed its 2020 officers. Board Chairman will be Chris Stanton, vice president of preconstruction at McCownGordon Construction; vice chair will be Eddie Whitley, Whitley Construction; and assistant chair will be Rob Cleavinger, JE Dunn Construction Co. The Builders' Association also reminds us about its COVID-19 Construction Action Center at its web page, www.buildersassociation.com , which includes key information and updates on safety and health and relevant laws. The association representes more than 750 contractors and suppliers employing about 25,000 workers.
We also note that Builders' President Don Greenwell, LMC treasurer, was quoted in the latest Kansas City Business Journal and its The Habits of Successful Leaders. Don shares the impact two of his career mentors had on him, one of them past LMC co-chair and treasurer Skip Hutton. Don noted his passion for mentorship and the impact such mentorship can have.