Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020, Via Zoom
Attending: Sam Alpert, Alyssia Canady, Katie Castro, Greg Chastain, Greg Davey, Kevin Gard, Alex Gonzalez, Jerry Helmick, Joe Hudson, Matt Johnson, Gabe Jones, Kevin King, Dave Kirkpatrick, Greg Lever, Bill Livingston, Alise Martiny, Kathy Robinson, Bill Tillman, Laura Wagner, Colleen White, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Greg Davey and the Builders’ Association for Zoom hosting.
•Presentation from Kathy Robinson, U.S. Dept. of Labor Employee Benefits Administration, on resources available from the EBA for those dealing with employee benefits. A slide show was sent to the CIC list yesterday. Locally the EBA has 10 advisors who can answer questions and assist with compliance; issues that end up in the EBA Enforcement section have fewer options for resolution. Enforcement can be helpful for determining if a plan exists or is legal for determining prevailing wage compliance. There is concern with a proposed rule on plan investments on which the comment period just closed; Kathy recommended that plans be sure to carefully document the support for investment decisions as being prudent. Kathy is also available for presentations to nonprofits and unions (more than one union) on many topics (updated list will be sent out soon). Kathy can be contacted whenever there are questions or a desire for a presentation: [email protected], 816-285-1874.
•Discussion with Alyssia Canady, former KCMO Councilwoman and candidate for Missouri Lt. Governor. She noted her background coming from a challenging environment to work in finance and law, eventually being elected to the council and running for mayor. Her priorities include providing education and training opportunities for all current and potential workers to give all a chance at a living wage, addressing gun violence and infrastructure including 5G access throughout the state. Efforts to tie mortgage relief and eviction moratorium are important and the finance sector can be helpful with that with help from public policy. She asked for support and encouraged more discussion as the campaign moves forward.
•The LMC and the KCATA has reached an agreement on a prevailing wage enforcement effort. A formal signing of the contact is expected soon.
•Medicaid expansion was adopted by Missouri voters last week, with support from the LMC and its members. Implementation will need to be monitored but it was the culmination of nearly a decade of work. Prospects for Kansas’ passage may have been harmed by Tuesday’s legislative primary election results.
•NICE is implementing a virtual approach for the fall, with plans to livestream and video virtual tours of apprenticeship programs which could increase the number of student participants. The annual fundraising luncheon scheduled for October has been cancelled. iBuild is next scheduled for April 22, 2021.
•Kevin Gard has been elected Business Manager of Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 518. Dave Kirkpatrick will continue as a Business Agent. The Local’s leadership team was reelected unanimously. The LMC thanks Dave for his leadership and welcomes Kevin to his new post.
•John Fennesy, IBEW Local 124, was recently reelected Business Manager of IBEW Local 124.
•Resources for the new trend of virtual arbitration/mediation are available at , and Colleen White noted that virtual arbitrations have been going well in her experience.
•Alise Martiny noted the passing of former Independence Mayor and Carpenter Don Reimel. He was a strong supporter of the LMC and of development that created good jobs in Independence. His obituary is at and cards can be sent to Jo Reimal, 1533 S. Ash, Independence, MO 64052.
•The LMC Golf Tournament last month was a success. One suggestion for events is to maintain safety vigilance throughout the event. The LMC plans to hold its first Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 17 and Public Officials Reception co-presented with BOMA-KC Oct. 22, dependent upon safety considerations. COVID-caused cancellations/postponements include the Building Trades Golf Tournament, Union Sportsman Alliance Conversation Dinner (moved to later, possibly virtual and done with the Wichita event), the LMC Anniversary Celebration (moved to next May) and other events this fall may be impacted as well.
•Upcoming events currently scheduled include:
*United Way Day of Caring, Aug. 18
*Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service National Conference, Aug. 18-20, Virtual
*Unions Sportsman Alliance Conservation Dinner, TBA later in the fall
*CREW KC Golf Tournament, Aug. 31, Canyon Farms
*USDOL Davis-Bacon Seminar Sept. 9, 2-3:30 p.m., virtual
*USDOL Davis-Bacon Service Contract Act Seminar, Sept. 10, 2-3:30 p.m., virtual
*USDOL Davis-Bacon Seminar Sept. 15, 2-3:30 p.m., virtual
*USDOL Davis-Bacon Service Contract Act Seminar Sept. 16, 2-3:30 p.m., virtual
*LMC Sporting Clay Shoot, Sept. 17, Saddle & Sirloin
*Laborers Charity Golf Tournament, Sept. 25,
*Working Families Friend Picnic & BBQ Cookoff, Sept. 26, noon-3 p.m., Pipefitters Local 533
*CREWKC Quarterly Luncheon, Oct. 20, 11:30 a.m., Grand Street Cafe
*LMC Public Officials Reception Co-Presented with BOMA-KC, Oct. 22, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
*General Election, Nov. 3
*Ibuild, Bartle Hall, April 22, 2021
*LMC 41st Anniversary Celebration and 21st Awards Dinner, May 13, 2020, Argosy Casino
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 11-14, 2021, Camden on the Lake
For details on the above events, please contact the sponsoring group or the LMC
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020, Mark One Electric Co., Inc. or virtually.
•M/S/C to Adjourn at 9:25 a.m.
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.