LMC Board of Directors
Summary of Minutes
Jan. 21, 2021 • 9:30 a.m.
Zoom Hosted by Greg Davey, Builders’ Association
Attending: Sam Alpert, Bret Bonge, Teri Casey, Greg Davey, Jeff Hayes,Mike Keeran, Jimmy Walker, Wesley Reed, Bob Jacobi
•Thanks to Greg Davey and the Builders’ Association for virtual hosting.
•M/S/C to approve the financial report.
•M/S/C to approve the 2021 Issues Agenda based on the 2020 Agenda with the following changes:
—Delete positions on Keystone pipeline, UMKC Conservatory and Amendment 3 as moot.
—Add “Support the renewal of the Kansas City, Mo., earnings tax on the April 6 balllot.”
Jeff Hayes will supply information when available on legislation to classify 911 dispatchers as first-responders.
•The Public Officials Reception Oct. 22, 2020, was successful in attendance, financially and safety. A date in October 2021 at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts will be sought.
•The Mid-Level Leadership Program is postponed until September. There will likely be a limit on the class size; those who have expressed interest to date will be given first chance to enroll.
•The 41st Anniversary Celebration cannot be held May 13, 2021 at Argosy Casino unless attendance is greatly limited. A new date will be sought in August or September. Those who reserved and/or paid for sponsorships for the 2020 event are set for 2021.
•M/S/C to accept the date of Sept. 16, 2021 for the next Sporting Clay Shoot at Saddle & Sirloin.
•The Mid-America Labor/Management Conference is set for July 11-14 at Camden on the Lake. The LMC Golf Tournament will likely be in late July, date TBA.
•Congratulations to Teri Casey on being named Director of Human Resources for the city of Kansas City, Mo.
•The Leadership Committee will discuss 2021 board and officer nominations before the April Board meeting.
•The next board meeting will be in April 22, 2021, likely via Zoom..
•M/S/C to adjourn at 10:15 a.m.