Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, March 11, 2020, Via Zoom
Attending:Sam Alpert, Jennifer Borkowski, Katie Castro, Rudy Chavez, Angela Crawford, Greg Davey, Brian Dietz, Kevin Gard, Don Greenwell, Stephanie Haynes, Dustin Himes, Joe Hudson,Don Hunt, Matt Johnson, Gabe Jones,Kevin King, Bill Livingston, Alise Martiny, Kevin O;Neill, Dennis Stowell, Bill Tillman, Scott Van Bebber, Laura Wagner, Tom Wyrsch, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Greg Davey and the Builders’ Association for Zoom hosting.
•Session #3 of the Construction Summit:
Stephanie Haynes, FMCS, reported on the results of the general contractor survey. The next step will involve focus groups for more in-depth discussion.Greg Davey, Don Greenwell, Stephanie Haynes, Don Hunt, Alise Martny and Tom Wyrsch will develop sessions and have them scheduled or held by the April meeting.Others are welcome to help.Survey results will be sent to Summit participants though they should not be shared outside the committee.
Thanks to Stephanie for her tremendous help.
•The Missouri Senate passed SB 262, a phased gas tax increase of 12.5 cents for transportation funding.
•The COVID Relief bill passed by Congress includes multi employer pension reform and expands PPP to 501(c)5 organizations; please contact Matt Johnson if interested in applying for PPP.
•The KCMO Council passed reform of its economic incentives policies.Prevailing wage will now be a part of that program thanks to Councilman O’Neill and his colleagues.Next steps include development of a wage theft ordinance and adequate enforcement.
•The KCMO earnings tax is up for renewal April 6.The LMC supports a Yes vote.
•Upcoming Events:
*Local elections April 6
*Give Seven Days, April 13-25
*iBuild, April 22, 2021, virtual
*OSHA Safety Stand-Down May 3-7
*Missouri legislative session ends May 14
*CWA/AT&T Charity Golf Tournament June 12, Eagles Landing
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 11-14, 2021, Camden on the Lake
*Craig Whitaker Memorial LMC Golf Tournament, July 26, Oakwood Country Club
*LMC 41st Anniversary Celebration and 21st Awards Dinner, Aug.. 12, 2021, Argosy Casino
*CREW KC Golf Tournament Aug. 30, Canyon Farms Golf Course
*GKC Building Trades Golf Tournament, Sept. 2
*LMC Sporting Clay Shoot, Sept. 16 16 at Saddle & Sirloin
*LMC Public Officials Reception Oct. 14 at Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
For details on the above events, please contact the sponsoring group or the LMC
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, April 8,2021, via Zoom.This meeting will be the fourth sessionof the Construction Summit as well as regular business.Please rsvp to [email protected]
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.