Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021, Via Zoom
Attending: Sam Alpert, Alan Ayres, Frank Carpenter, Katie Castro, Greg Chastain, Greg Davey, Jason Duke, Joey Flickner, Dawn Godard, Kevin Hendrickson, Dustin Himes, Don Hunt, Bill Livingston, Alise Martiny, Bo Moreno, Luke Moylan, Tony Roberts, Chuck Roseburrough, Bill Tillman, Erica Torres, Scott Van Bebber, Eric Williams, Tom Wyrsch, Bob Jacobi. Note: if you attended and do not see your name here, please contact Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Greg Davey and the Builders’ Association for Zoom hosting.
•There is still a strong need to get workers and families vaccinated. After discussion, the LMC with support from Cigna will set up vaccination sites to be convenient and attractive for workers to attend. The sites will be a mix of union halls and existing events. Locals 53, 124, 533, 663 and 2 all offered sites if needed. Events such as the Take a Kid Fishing Day and the Union Car Show are also opportunities. Contractors will be asked to help promote the vaccination opportunities, which will be weekdays in the evening. Possible prize incentives, celebrity appearances and other attractions will be explored. Compiling numbers and perhaps a list with photos of some members who have died from COVID would help in promotion, as would data o the impact on hospital capacity. The LMC will compile possible dates and locations and promote. The vaccinations would be open to the community, would ask for but not require advance sign-up to help plan for enough capacity and will give as much notice as possible.
•Session #7 of the Construction Summit:
The next draft presentation was provided. School districts and cities/counties that recently passed or are planning bond issues will be targeted first for meetings.
•The federal infrastructure bill passed the Senate; its suggested that contacts with House members urging their support would be helpful.
•The city of KCMO has created a task force of staff and industry to look at expanded inspections of taller, older buildings and parking structures in light of the Florida high rise collapse. An effort will start with public buildings including City Hall. The task force is to report in 90 days; hearings will be held and the LMC will publicize.
•Overland Park has included incentives for EV and solar capacity in its permitting process; other cities may follow. There is also a push for the 2021 energy code, which could make adopting cities less competitive. Federal and state government funds and utility support will ramp up EV charging stations, creating opportunities for work as well as potential cost for building owners.
•NICE will continue developing Career Exploration Episodes at craft training centers as schools are unlikely to allow field trips this fall or longer. iBuild is next scheduled for April 5, 2022 assuming schools are allowing field trips by then.
•The Building Trades Take a Kid to Fish Day is Aug. 28 and volunteers are sought to help string poles that day and the day before.
•The LMC Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner is tonight. Special efforts are being made for a safe event. The LMC will announce award winners of interest to the industry as well as a presenting from KC Rising, a key economic development program.
•Upcoming Events:
*Working Families Friend Golf Tournament, June 11, 7 a.m., Ironhorse Golf Club
*CWA/AT&T Charity Golf Tournament, June 12, Eagle’s Landing
*DBIA Happy Hour, June 23, 4-6 p.m., Superior Bowen
*Builders’ Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament, June 28, Milburn Country Club
*Rockhurst University Golf Tournament, June 28, Loch Lloyd
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 11-14, 2021, Camden on the Lake
*CREW KC Luncheon July 20, 11:30 am., Grand Street Cafe
*Craig Whitaker LMC Golf Tournament, July26, Oakwood Country Club
*LMC 41st Anniversary Celebration and 21st Awards Dinner, Aug. 12, 2021, Argosy Casino
*DBIA Regional Conference, Aug. 18, Lenexa Hyatt Place
*Labor Car Show, Aug. 21, Providence Medical Center Amphitheater, Bonner Springs
*GKC Building Trades Take a Kid Fishing Day, Aug. 28
*CREW KC Golf Tournament, Aug. 30, Canyon Farms Golf Course
*GKC Building Trades Golf Tournament, Sept. 2
*John V. Mesh Clay Shoot, Spet. 11, Powder Creek
*LMC Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 16, Saddle & Sirloin
*Construction Safety Group Scholarship Golf Tournament, Sept. 17, Shoal Creek Golf Club
*LMC Public Officials Reception, Oct. 14, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
*iBuild, April 5, 2022, Bartle Hall
For details on the above events, please contact the sponsoring group or the LMC
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, Sept 9, 2021, site TBA. This meeting will be a session of the Construction Summit. Please rsvp to [email protected]
•M/S/C to adjourn at 9 a.m.
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.