Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021, Via Zoom
Attending: Sam Alpert, Angela Crawford, Greg Davey, Jason Duke, Zach Dunn, Kevin Gard, Chirs Heegn, Kevin Hendrickson, Matt Johnson, Valerie Johnson, Gabe Jones, Kevin King, Bill Livingston, Udy Manepalli, Luke Moylan, Tony Roberts, Bill Tillman, Tom Wyrsch, Bob Jacobi. Note: if you attended and do not see your name here, please contact Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Greg Davey and the Builders’ Association for Zoom hosting.
•The committee welcomes a new participant, Uday Manepalli from City of KCMO focused on street construction.
•Session #9 of the Construction Summit:
Initial contacts have been made with two school districts. Committee members are asked to compile lists of their contacts with and folks within the identified districts so a plan for each one can be developed.
•The KCI workforce project was featured on the Heartland Labor Forum show on KKFI-FM. The show can be heard at The program is looking at a new set of classes so it looking for interested workers; the classes start Oct. 21 so please refer potential participants soon.
•Contacts with are members of Congress are urged in support of the infrastructure bill and increasing the debt ceiling to ensure financial stability. Now is the time to make those contacts.
•Todd Smith is the new Missouri Director of Labor Standards. He served as MODLIR director in the Blunt administration among other positions involvement in workforce issues.
•The city of Kansas City is discussing the new ICC energy code; there is concern that full adoption unless also adopted by surrounding cities would hurt the city’s competitiveness. The city is also involving stakeholders in discussions of its existing building inspection program, which now covers only a few types of structures, in light of the Florida condo collapse and the 40th anniversary of the Hyatt disaster.
•EV infrastructure is an emerging issue. Some have proposed incentives such as reduced permit fees for those who install the capacity for EV charging in the future. While buildings and streets will eventually need to have robust EV charging capabilities, we are still years away from enough demand to make full investments now as well as utility ability to provide the energy so including the ability to install that capacity in the future would be positive. The Mid-America Labor/Management Conference had a session on the topic in July as utilities and the states are preparing for and EV future.
•NICE is planning for a live iBuild April 5, 2022and continues video episodes at apprenticeship centers continue to be produced when live visits are not possible.
•The LMC’s Public Officials Reception will include several opportunities to make contacts with leaders working on CIC issues. It is tonight 5:30-7 p.m. at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.
•Missouri’s state legislative redistricting commissions will hold KC hearings on Oct. 19 at the Downtown Marrioot, 9 a.m. for the House and 1 p.m. for the Senate. Members are urged to share their perspective with the commissions.
•The next regularly scheduled CIC meeting is Nov. 11, which is also Veterans’ Day. Some committee members may not be working that day. The committee will be surveyed to see if we need to change that date.
•Upcoming Events:
*LMC -BOMA KC Public Officials Reception, Oct. 14, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
*Builders’ Leadership Course, Oct. 18, 4:30 p.m.
*Missouri Legislative Redistricting Committee Hearings Oct. 19, Downtown Mariott-House 9 a.m., Senate 1 p.m.
*Kansas Election Day Nov. 2
*KCADC Annual Event Nov. 5, KC Convention Center
*National Apprenticeship Week, Nov. 15-21
•iBuild Showcase April 5, 2022
•Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 10-13, 2022, Camden on the Lake For details on the above events, please contact the sponsoring group or the LMC
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 11?, 2021, site TBA. This meeting will be a session of the Construction Summit.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 8:45 a.m.
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.