Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, April 14, 2022, Via Zoom
Attending: Sam Alpert, James Farrell, Steve Gercone, Chris Heegn, Kevin Hendrickson, Dustin Himes, Matt Johnson, Gabe Jones, Bo Moreno, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Rosana Privitera-Biondo and Mark One Electric Co., Inc. for hosting.
•Presentation from James Farrell, Historic Revitalization for Missouri on the Historic Tax Credit program. He noted that since its inception in 1998, it has helped generate more than $4 billion in KC area projects and annually $500 million in Missouri. Under the Greitens administration, many bureaucratic hurdles were put in place to impede its use. He and Historic Revitalization for Missouri are working to reduce those hurdles. One of the criteria is written in a way that the West Bottoms is excluded even though there are 100 eligible buildings. While prevailing wage is not required as a part of the HTC, many projects do receive city subsidies which in St. Louis and now in KC have such a requirement. The Construction Committee is also willing to meet with financiers and developers interested in local projects to discuss how our members can help with and participate in the projects. A St. Louis event brought craft leaders, developers, contractors and elected officials together to learn more about the HTC and how to participate; a similar event could be organized for KC. Jim asked for organizations to support Historic Revitalization for Missouri and such an event may provide the information locals need to participate.
•Session #14 of the Construction Summit:
With results from last week’s school board and city races in, the effort to educate elected leaders will resume. Many potentially favorable candidates were elected. Numerous bond issues passed in school districts and cities throughout the metro area, creating opportunity for work.
•KCMO ballot issues supported by the LMC won with 76+%, authorizing $750 million in sewer bonds and renewing the health care levy.
•The Missouri budget is nearing its deadline for completion (May 6). The Senate is expected to produce a bill closer to Gov. Parson’s recommendations including more money for many projects than the House. Committee members can contact area Senators and ask for support for a budget closer to the Governor’s than the House one. The unemployment compensation bill opposed by the LMC is currently on hold in the Senate; the House has perfected a companion bill. In Kansas the food sales tax has not yet passed; there is concern over how a reduction/elimination would affect transportation plan revenues. Proposals by Gov. Kelly and the House adjust to maintain transportation funding.
•NICE had a successful iBuild event, with more than 700 high school students and 250 middle school students attending at Bartle Hall. The 2023 will be April 28 at Bartle.
•Upcoming Events:
*LMC Anniversary Celebration & Awards Dinner April 21, Argosy Casino
*Working Families Friend Texas Hold’um Tournament, April 22
*Workers’ Memorial Day, Builders’ Association, April 28, noon
*CREW KC Quarterly Luncheon, April 28
*OSHA National Fall Safety Standdown, May 2-6
*Builders; Association Scholarship Golf Tournament, May 9, Ironhorse
*TAUC Leadership Conference, May 17-20, Napa, CA
*Working Families Friend Golf Tournament, June 10
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 10-13, 2022, Camden on the Lake
*FMCS National Labor-Management Conference, virtual, July 12-13
*LMC Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament, July 26, Eagles Landing
*Primary Elections Aug.2, 2022
*KC Labor Car and Bike Show, Aug. 27, Azura Amphitheater, 9 a.m.
*Take a Kid Fishing Day Sept. 10
*LMC Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 15 at Saddle & Sirloin
*Working Families Friend Cook-off, Sept. 24
*LMC Public Officials Reception, Oct. 13, 5:30 p.m., Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
*NICE Annual Luncheon, Nov. 1, Bartle Hall
*General Election Nov. 8
*Missouri Apprenticeship Summit, Nov. 15; pre-conference Nov. 14
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, May12, 2022, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 9:15 a.m.
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.