LMC Board of Directors Summary of Minutes
July 27, 2022 • Fire Fighters Local 42
9:30 a.m.
Attending: Bret Bonge, Greg Davey, Dan Heizman, Wade Kiefer, Chris Stanton
•Thanks to Dan Heizman and Local 42 for hosting
•M/S/C to approve the proposed 2022-23 budget and financial statement
•Concerns regarding the KCMO Codes updating process were discussed, as well as challenges from the proposed building inspection program. The LMC will continue to promote construction and development input into the process and result.
•The 43rd Anniversary Celebration was successful. For the 44th, April is seen as the best month to hold the event again and US Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh was mentioned as a possible speaker.
•The Mid-America Labor/Management Conference was successful. Esther George, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City president, did an excellent job. The conference returns to Camden on the Lake July 9-12, 2023. Input on conference content is sought. Bret Bonge serves as conference co-chair.
•The Craig Whitaker Memorial IBEW Local 124 LMC Golf Tournament was held yesterday at Eagles Landing. The tournament was very successful financially and in networking/enjoyment. M/S/C to donate the funds that would have been spent on play and food for the Carpenters Regional Council team on a cause appropriate for the late Kevin Joyce’s family, as the Carpenters team missed the tournament to attend his services.
•The Sporting Clay Shoot is set for Sept. 15 at Saddle & Sirloin. Promotion of that event will ramp up now that the golf tournament is complete.
•The Mid-Level Leadership Program begins its next year Sept. 21. Interest seems high so far.
•The Public Officials Reception will be Oct. 13 at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. BOMA-KC is again co-hosting; other sponsorship solicitations will be sent next month.
•The Workforce Development Committee will become active. Wade Kiefer and Bret Bonge will be involved. Wade will also be engaged with the Marketing Committee. Board members interested in any of the committees are invited to let Bob Jacobi know so meetings can be scheduled soon.
•M/S/C to elect Chris Stanton to the Board of Directors with a term expiring in 2025.
•The next Board meeting will be 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 5 at Heavy Construction Laborers Local 663, 7820 Prospect, KCMO 64132.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 10:30 a.m.
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