The LMC congratulates past Co-Chair Kevin Sexton on his election to become President of the Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons International Association in January. Kevin has been serving as
General Secretary-Treasurer. He will become the second past LMC Co-Chair serving as an International Union president: Jim Hadel is President of the Roofers International. Past LMC Vice Co-Chair Lindell Lee is retired International Secretary-Treasurer of the IBEW.
The LMC mourns the loss of Griffin P. Goetz, Ullico Investment Co. Griffin participated in an helped sponsor several LMC events and was a speaker at the Mid-America Labor/Management Conference last year. Though he live in Illinois, was a promoter of Kansas City and served the board of LMC member Working Families Friend.
The LMC mourns the death of Pipefitters Local 533 fourth year apprentice Devin Darby. Donations to his family can be made through Working Families Friend, https://wffriend.lrg/donate and also notify [email protected].
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