Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, March 9, 2023, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: Manny Abarca, Sam Alpert, Brian Deitz, Shawn Delgado, Dustin Himes, Dominic Klobe, Valerie Johnson, Gabe Jones, Chuck Martin, Damon Miles, Bo. Moreno, Ralph Oropeza, Chuck Roseburrough, Tony Roberts, Chris Stanton, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Rosana Privitera-Biondo and Mark One Electric Co., Inc. for hosting.
•Session #18 of the Construction Summit: Efforts continue and will accelerate after the results of the November elections, particularly working with the Fair Contracting Alliance.
•The Committee welcomes and congratulates Ralph Oropeza, newly elected business manager of the Greater Kansas City Building and Construction Trades Council, and thanks Alise Martiny for her years of service to the Building Trades, the committee, the LMC and the community as she becomes an International Representative for the Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons.
•The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority has engaged its partnership with the LMC to provide prevailing wage interviewers on ATA projects. One project has begun and another starts soon. The LMC seeks volunteer monitors which could be retirees, business agents and contractor employees who can be available to conduct interviews with workers for prevailing wage enforcement. Interviewers can only talk to workers from a different craft than their own and cannot conduct union business on the site. A description of the program and schedule for the ATA projects was distributed. Interviewer contact information can be sent to Bob Jacobi; minimal training will be done before interviewers are sent out.
•Committee members were congratulated for their key roles in the construction of the new KCI, which opened ahead of schedule and on budget.
•Missouri SB 21, to change unemployment benefits, has been filibustered in the Senate with compromise talks underway. HJR 43, to make it more difficult for initiative petitions amending the constitution to pass, was voted out by the House and is in the Senate. A rally has been set supporting Kansas Medicaid expansion for March 13, 1:15 p.m. in the State Capitol. HB 2348 has been filed to restore local option prevailing wage restoration in Kansas.
•Concerns were expressed on trends that eliminate the option to use fossil fuels during the transition to renewables. BOMA’s Decarbonization Committee is visiting Washington next week.
•Jackson County is looking at several upcoming projects: 4250 million for the downtown courthouse, at least $350 million for the correctional center now in talks with KCMO on partnering, emergency repairs on the historic Independence courthouse, $25 million for other county buildings in Independence and $50 million to alter Arrowhead Stadium for the World Cubby 2026. A close watch was suggested on particularly the emergency expenditures. The downtown baseball stadium has narrowed sites to 3-4, including one in Clay County.
•Kansas City Public Schools is considering a bond issue for next year in the $200-250 million range, though additional school building closings are likely. The new superintendent, Jennifer Collier, is expected to be a strong successor to Mark Bedell. Two school board positions are open and unopposed; one spot has no filed candidates though there are write-in candidates. Manny Abarca’s open seat will be elected in June.
•School board seats and bonds are on the ballot April 4 in addition to KCMO mayor and council. Members were urged to continue recruiting candidates who understand the industry. Former committee member Laura Wagner is running in North Kansas City.
•The American Royal project is in design phase and should begin this year. JE Dunn is the general contractor.
•A meeting on the Panasonic plant project is taking place this morning. Turner Construction is on the project. Dave Coleman is attending the meeting.
•NICE seeks judges for its Crayons to CAD Middle School Design Contest culminating at the iBuild Showcase April 28. Booth reservations are also available.
•Dominic Kolbe from Onsite Logic explained the company’s services available to unions for cyber security and IT. Currently the US Department of Labor has guidelines for unions to follow to protect their data but those eventually may become requirements. Threats to data are increasing as are the ways to access data.
•The BOMA International Convention in June is expected to draw 2500-3000 leaders to KC, the first time for many. KC is generating much attention with the Chiefs’ success, NFL draft, KCI opening and other events.
•The North Kansas City Snake Saturday Parade is this Saturday, March 11 meeting near the Builders’ Training Center. The Painters and other trades will have a presence in the parade.
•An Open House recognizing Alise Martiny will be held Wednesday, March 15, 4-8 p.m. at Sheet Metal Workers Local 2.
•Mike Burke, longtime development attorney and former KCMO councilman and mayoral candidate, died Sunday. His services will be 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, and funeral Mass March 16 at Our Lady of Sorrows church on Gillham. Mike was a friend to the industry, the LMC and its mission.
•The LMC’s 44th Anniversary Celebration will be April 13. No keynote speaker has been announced; several folks will be honored.
•The Mid-America Labor/Management Conference July 9-12 will feature two international union presidents from Kansas City (both former LMC Co-Chairs): Jim Hadel, Roofers, and Kevin Sexton, Operative Plasterers’ & Cement Masons, as well as Joe Reardon, GKC Chamber of Commerce president and his counterpart in St. Louis.
•Upcoming events:
*Midwest Construction Safety Conference March 9-10 at Adams Pointe Conference Center
*Medicaid Expansion Rally March 13, 1:15 p.m., Kansas State Capitol, 2nd Floor
*Open House Event Recognizing Alise Martiny, March 15, 4-8 p.m., Sheet Metal Local 2
*Services for Mike Burke March 15 visitation 5-8 .m. Mass of Christian burial 10 a.m. March 16, Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church
*Graduation Ceremony for Missouri Apprentice Ready Program, March 16, noon, IBEW Local 53
*March 20 Missouri legislative spring break
*Construction Working Minds Summit March 27-29, Westin Crown Center
*DBIA Next Gen Executive Roundtable, March 28
•Election Day, April 4, 2023
*DBIA Regional Conference, April 12, Lenexa Convention Center
*Seven Days Kindness Businesss Breakfast April 5; Walk April 16; Church of the Ressurection
*LMC Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner, April 13, Argosy Casino
*Working Families Friend Texas Hold’em Tournament April 21 at Pipefitters Local 533
*CREW KC luncheon, April 25
*iBuild Reception, April 27, 2023
*iBuild Showcase, April 28, 2023
*Missouri legislative session ends May 12
*KCMO City General Election June 20
*BOMA International Convention June 23, 2023
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 9-12, 2023, Camden on the Lake
*LMC Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament, July 25, Eagles Landing Golf Club
*LMC Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 21, Saddle & Sirloin
*LMC Public Officials Reception Oct. 12, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
*NICE Annual Luncheon Oct. 17, 2023, Bartle Hall
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, April 13, 2023, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 9 :15 a.m.
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.