Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, June 8, 2023, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: Sam Alpert, Rudy Chavez, Edgar Cooper, Greg Davey, Brian Deitz, Shawn Delgado, Jon Doughty, Joey Flickner, Dominic Klobe, Greg Lever, Bo Moreno, Luke Moylan Ralph Oropeza, Tony Roberts, Chuck Roseburrough, Josh Schmidt, Stacy Zerr, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Rosana Privitera-Biondo and Mark One Electric Co., Inc. for hosting.
•Session #21 of the Construction Summit: Efforts continue working with the Fair Contracting Alliance.
•Welcome to Stacy Zerr, MCA, attending her first meeting.
•A new Jackson County Jail project was approved and will begin construction soon. KCMO may also participate. The jail is an important project for the community and the industry.
•The Missouri legislative session concluded and was largely successful for LMC issues. Funding for major projects such as I-70 expansion, new Hospital hill buildings, changes to Arrowhead Stadium for the World Cup and others. The legislature did pass discriminatory policies affecting transgender persons the LMC opposed but other negative legislation failed. Changes to the Historic Tax Credit program did not get to a final vote but may be pursued administratively as well.
•The Kansas legislative session ended with few negative items but also no progress on prevailing wage local option and Medicaid expansion. Transportation remains fully funded. Concerns remain about possible legislation further targeting immigrants.
While the legislature met its constitutional mandate on education funding, special education remains underfunded and requires school districts to take millions from their general budgets. Missouri is meeting its stated formula for education funding and funded increased minimum teacher salaries but remains below the 2008 level accounting for inflation.
•A workshop on Kansas HB 2350, which makes human trafficking a crime but also includes provisions that could cause problems for immigrant workers, will be held; Shawn Delgado is the contact.
•The LMC, Builders’ Association and Construction Users cosponsored a forum for KCMO City Council candidates that was well attended though focused almost exclusively on housing. The election is June 20 and a low turnout is expected, so informing voters about the election is vital. There is also an election for a vacant Kansas City Public Schools board seat, which has only write-in candidates. One candidate has contacted the Building Trades and seeks support.
•The Missouri Works KC pre-apprenticeship program is beginning interviews for its next co-hort, with 24 candidates so far. Graduation of the current group will be July 10. Rudy Chavez reports participation from most of the trades.
•NICE held a successful iBuild event April 28, with 49 exhibitors and nearly 2,000 students. The 2024 iBuild will be April 2 in the larger Bartle Hall space. NICE also sponsored Senior Days at many of the apprenticeship programs and a Summer Educator Externship which takes teachers to apprentice and professional firms. NICE’s main fundraising event will be Oct. 17 in the Kay Barnes Ballroom with the building of the new KC Current stadium and celebrating women in construction as the program. NICE is also close to publishing the Construction Careers Handbook which features detailed information on all union trades.
•Stacy Zerr reported that the MCA, Pipefitters Local 533 and Plumbers Local 8 are sponsoring the Heavy Metal Summer Experience July 18-20 at the two apprenticeship centers for 30 students.
•Dominic Kolbe invited committee members to a forum on Cybersecurity sponsored by Onsite Logic June 27, 8-10 a.m. at Polsinelli law firm. Experts from Onsite Logic, Polsinelli, Brown & Brown and MarksNelson will discuss and take questions on cybersecurity threats. An invitation will be sent to committee members.
•A celebration of Columbian culture will be held July 8 in the West Bottoms, providing a great opportunity for recruitment as more than 2,000 participants are expected. More details will be sent soon. Shawn Delgado is the contact.
•The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority has projects available for prevailing wage worker interviews. The LMC seeks volunteer monitors which could be retirees, business agents and contractor employees who can be available to conduct interviews with workers for prevailing wage enforcement. Interviewer contact information can be sent to Bob Jacobi; minimal training will be done before interviewers are sent out. The smaller projects now underway could help prepare for similar efforts on a large KCATA project later this year.
•The Mid-America Labor/Management Conference July 9-12 will feature two international union presidents from Kansas City (both former LMC Co-Chairs): Jim Hadel, Roofers, and Kevin Sexton, Operative Plasterers’ & Cement Masons, and possibly a third as Willie Adams, International Longshoreman president and a KC native, may join the keynote panel. Sessions will also be held on prevailing wage, independent contractor issues, health care, impact of legal recreational marijuana and more. The conference registration site is
•Upcoming events:
*Working Families Friend Golf Tournament, Ironhorse Golf Club, June 9
•DBIA BBQ Social June 15, GArney
*KCMO City General Election June 20
*BOMA International Convention June 23, 2023
*Rockhurst University Joseph Freeman, S.J., Golf Tournament, June 26, Lionsgate
*ONsite Logic Cybersecurity Forum June 27, 8-10 a.m., Polsinelli
*DBIA & CCIM Happy Hour, June 28, SERV
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 9-12, 2023, Camden on the Lake
*Missouri Works KC Graduation July 10, IBEW Local 53
*LMC Craig Whitaker Memorial Golf Tournament, July 25, Eagles Landing Golf Club
*Kansas City Labor Car & Bike Store, Aug. 19, 9 a.m., Azura Amphitheater
*LMC Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 21, Saddle & Sirloin
*LMC Public Officials Reception Oct. 12, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
*NICE Annual Luncheon Oct. 17, 2023, Bartle Hall
*iBuild Showcase April 2, 2024, Bartle Hall
•The KCMO election is June 20. Not many voters may be aware so getting out the word is crucial. There will be debates leading up to the election—Saturday, May 13, a labor-focused forum at IBEW Local 124 11 a.m., and June 5, 5:30 p.m. at the Plaza Library where development and housing will be emphasized. The LMC is a sponsor of the June 5 forum.
•Note: No July meeting.
•Next Meeting: 8 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 10 2023, Mark One Electric Co., Inc. OSHA Regional Director Billie Kizer will speak
•M/S/C to adjourn at 9 a.m.
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.