Construction Industry Steering Team Summary of Minutes
8 a.m., Thursday, April 11, 2024, Mark One Electric Co., Inc.
Attending: Sam Alpert, Whitney Chandler, Rudy Chavez, Joey Flickner, Kevin Gard, Steve Gercone, Kevin Hendrickson, Gabe Jones, Dominick Klobe, Chuck Martin, Kelly McClellen, Bo Moreno, Ralph Oropeza, Rosana Privitera-Biondo, Tony Roberts, Chuck Roseburrough, Cameron Seip, Tina Shonk-Little, Chris Stanton, Nate Zier, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Rosana Privitera-Biondo and Mark One Electric Co., Inc. for hosting.
•Session #29 of the Construction Summit: Efforts continue working with the Fair Contracting Alliance.
•Welcome to first-time attendees Kelly McClellen, Whitney Chandler and Tina Shonk-Little from Heartland Women in Trades.
•New NICE Executive Director Nate Zier presented, introducing himself and reviewing the results of the April 2 iBuild which drew 2,500 students, 63 schools and 49 exhibitors. The committee provided feedback to Nate on industry needs, particularly the need for graduating students to have great math and communications competency. Teaching to pass tests is not always congruent with teaching to succeed in the workplace. NICE will pursue connecting industry and math teachers to help the teachers better understand what skills students need to be prepared with and why. The ability to build relationships and critical thinking skills are also crucial for construction workers. Teacher unions could be helpful in reaching teachers. NICE is again hosting the Summer Educator Externship bringing educators from Blue Valley, Lexington, Hickman Mills and Kansas City Public Schools to spend time at US Engineering as well as Carpenters, IBEW Local 124 and Boilermakers apprenticeship programs. NICE will soon survey industry leaders and educators as to how NICE can help meet their needs. iBuild 2025 will be April 8.
•Chris Stanton thanked the Building Trades for McCownGordon’s first labor harmony agreement on the Barney Allis Plaza project. The project has now been approved and city funding identified. Demolition of the deteriorating garage begins soon.
•Disappointment was expressed in the result of the stadium tax extension. Industry leaders were frustrated with the campaign communication, negotiating processes between the teams and the county as well as with community groups. The tax assessment issues in Jackson County clearly played a key role in the no vote. The next steps are unclear but LMC members hope to continue to be engaged in the process. The differences between elected union leaders and activists on behalf of workers is not well understood by the community.
•The Missouri legislature continues to be bogged down; some bills are passing each house but no bills as yet have been truly passed and sent to the Governor. Kansas is focused on competing tax cut plans; a compromise bill has been sent to Gov. Kelly though it’s unclear if she will sign it.
•The Heartland Women in Trades kickball tournament will be Oct. 5. Details will be available soon. The tournament raises funds for HWIT activities in support of women in the trades.
•The LMC’s 45th Anniversary Celebration and 24th Awards Dinner will feature Kim Robbins, COO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City as well as awards and recognition of 2024 Mid-Level Leadership graduates include Kelly McClellen, Whitney Chandler and Tina Shonk-Little.
•Several committee members are attending the Builders’ PAC Sporting Clay Shoot today.
•Upcoming Events:(For details on these events, please contact the sponsoring group or LMC)
*Builders’ Sporting Clay Shoot April 11, Powder Creek
*LMC Board Meeting, April 17
*Working Families Friend Texas Holdem Tournament, April 19
*ULIKC CPKC Stadium Tour and Presentation, April 24, 3:30-5 p.m.
*LMC Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner, April 25, Argosy Casino
*Workers Memorial Day event, April 26
*Builders’ Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament May 6
*KC Rising Annual Meeting May 16, CPKS Stadium
*MIssouri Works Apprentice Ready Graduation, May 17, noon, IBEW Local 53
*IBEW Local 53 Riders Group Ride for Working Families Friend, May 18, Local 53
*Unions Stars Expo, June 13, Carpenters Regional Council, 1-5 p.m.
*Working Families Friend Golf Tournament June 14
*FMCS/LERA National Conference, June 26-30, 2024, New York
*Mid-America Labor/Management Conference, July 7-10, Camden on the Lake. Registration now available at
*Builders’ Member Summer Party, July 17
*LMC Craig Whitaker Golf Tournament July 23, Eagles Landing
*Primary Election Day Aug. 6
*LMC Sporting Clay Shoot Saddle & Sirloin, Sept. 12
*Construction Innovation Expo. Sept 17
*Working Families Friend Fall Cook-Off, Sept. 21
*Heartland Women in Trades Kickball Tournament, Oct. 5
*LMC/BOMA-KC Public Officials Reception, 5:30-7 p.m., Kauffman Center for Performing Arts
*Election Day Nov. 5
*NICE Annual Luncheon Nov. 12, Bartle Hall
*Builders’ Holiday Party Dec. 12
*iBuild April 8, 2025
•The next committee meeting will be 8 a.m., Thursday, May 9, 2024, Mark One Electric Co.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 9:05 a.m.
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.