Summary of Minutes
LMC Board of Directors Meeting
April 17, 2024 • 9:30 a.m. • Builders’ AGC 720 Oak KCMO
Attending: Bret Bonge, Greg Davey, Ed Downey, Jason Duke, Dan Heizman, Rocky Kloth, Ralph Oropeza, Bob Jacobi
•Thanks to Greg Davey and the Builders’ for hosting.
•M/S/C to approve the Financial Report subject to audit. Any savings from changes in the executive director’s benefit structure will be assigned to cover future cost increases.
•M/S/C to approve the proposed contract with Rockhurst University with the dates changed to begin on May 1, 2024, and two-year initial term ending on April 30, 2026.
•M/S/C to transition the executive director from employment at Rockhurst University to employment by the LMC; to contract with Paychex as its payroll service; to develop an administrative services agreement with the Builders’ Association, with final language to be approved by the Co-Chairs; and to explore director and officer liability insurance as well health care and retirement benefit options for current and future staff.
•Given the changes in the Rockhurst relationship and inflation the executive director will develop a proposal on future dues and events rates for consideration at the July meeting.
•Disappointment in the Jackson County stadium vote was expressed. While bills are moving slowly in the Missouri legislature, concern was expressed over two bills that recently had hearings: HB 2866 and 2876 to preempt local government’s ability to set labor standards for its vendors and public employee bargaining rules, respectively.
•The Mid-Level Leadership Program graduated nine participants last month. The quality of the participants was high. Applications for the 2024-25 class will be open in July or August.
•The 45th Anniversary Celebration and 24th Awards Dinner will be held April 25 at Argosy Casino. Kim Robbins, First Vice President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, will be the keynote speaker. In addition to the list in the background materials, Evergy has reserved a table. Board members were encouraged to participate and to consider ideas for the 2025 event including different formats and locations that further the goals of recognizing leadership in labor-management, networking and relationship building and fund raising so planning can begin soon.
•The 27th Craig Whitaker Memorial LMC Golf Tournament July 23 at Eagles’ Landing; the 5th Sporting Clay Shoot will be Sept. 12 at Saddle & Sirloin and the LMC/BOMA-KC Public Officials Reception will be Oct. 10 at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.
•The committee formed to plan a new family-friendly event including corn hole and barbecue contests expects to meet soon. Ed Downey, Bo Moreno and Greg Davey will serve on the committee.
•A new event featuring topics of interest to all LMC members will begin in the Fall with a format similar to the Construction Committee.
•M/S/C to nominate Whitney Chandler, Heartland Women in Trades, to a labor seat on the Board. The slate to be presented at the annual meeting (during the Anniversary Celebration) will be Chris Stanton as Vice Co-Chair, Management (two-year term); Ralph Oropeza, Secretary (one-year term); Greg Davey, Treasurer (one-year term); Rocky Kloth, Board of Directors (three-year term) and Whitney Chandler, Board of Directors (three-year term). Jimmy Walker will become Management Co-Chair (two-year term). Open seats for both labor and management remain so Board members are encouraged to recruit future board members.
•The next Board Meeting will be July 17, 2024, 9:30 a.m. at the Builders’ AGC pending availability.
•M/S/ C to adjourn at 11 a.m.