Congratulations to JE Dunn Construction Co. for finishing first in the IBEW Local 124 Pipefitters Local 533 Craig Whitaker LMC Memorial Golf Tournament July 23 at Eagles Landing Golf Club with a 20 under par score of 52. Stephens-Heffner Financial Partners placed second with a score of 57 and IBEW Local 124 was third with a 60. All of the foursomes finished under par. The 27th annual tournament provided great networking opportunities and generated funds for the LMC towards our mission of enhancing collaboration by building trust between labor and management and the community.
Photos from the tournament can be found in the photo album (left) under 2024 Golf Tournament. Thanks to Jennifer Borkowski and Nate Zier for providing some of the photos. In addition to our volunteers Jennifer and Nate, sponsors were critical to the events’ success. The LMC thanks our 2024 Golf Tournament Supporters:
Title Sponsors
IBEW Local 124
Pipefitters Local 533
Eagle Sponsors
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
Capital Electric Construction
Heat & Frost Insulators Local 27
Heavy Construction Laborers Local 663
Greater Kansas City Building & Construction Trades Council
JE Dunn Construction Co.
Plumbers Local 8
Power Partners
Stephens-Heffner Financial Partners
United Labor Credit Union
Whitley Construction Co.
Refreshment Sponsors
Humana Group Medicare
Hole Sponsors
Bricklayers Local 15
In-Kind Supporters—
Blue Cross Blue Shield of KC: Sets of golf balls for the raffle
Cigna: Golf balls and tees for each player and raffle prizes, including a kinfe set
Dixon Golf and Aurellius: Proceeds from their hole contests
Humana Group Medicare: Photos and Volunteer Support
United Labor Credit Union : Goody Bags and raffle prizes
Special thanks to volunteers
Jennifer Borkowski, Humana Group Medicare
Nate Zier, National Institute for Construction Excellence (NICE)
Players also generously bought raffle and mulligan tickets, with nearly 20 prizes awarded. The staff at Eagles Landing provided excellent service as usual and the weather cooperated with perfect temperature, sunshine and humidity levels.
Next up for the LMC: the Fifth Sporting Clay Shoot Sept. 12, the Mid-Level Leadership Program with first class Sept. 25, and the LMC/BOMA Public Officials Reception Oct. 10. Reservation forms for the Sporting Clay Shoot and Public Officials Reception are below; contact the LMC at [email protected] for Mid-Level Leadership Program application form.
You Are Invited to the
Fifth Annual Labor-Management Council Sporting Clays Shoot
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024 • Saddle & Sirloin Club
You are invited to participate in the Labor-Management Council’s fourth annual Sporting Clays Shoot Sept. 12, 2024 at the Saddle & Sirloin Club, 14401 Holmes, KCMO 64145. The shoot provides another way for labor and management to build relationships and show that we have been so successful in enhancing labor-management collaboration that we can trust both to have guns in the same place!
The event features 100 shots, a pre-shoot luncheon at 11:30 a.m. and a post-shoot reception. The shoot begins at 1 p.m. Here is how you can participate:
_____Title Sponsor $3,000 (includes five participants, name on event title)
_____Ammo Sponsor $3,000 (includes five participants, recognition, covers ammo for all shooters)
_____Luncheon Sponsor $1,500 (includes five participants, name on luncheon)
_____Perfect Aim Sponsor $1,000 (includes five participants, sponsorship listing)
_____Team $750 (includes five participants)
_____Individual Participant(s) @ $200
_____Station sponsor (sponsor a shooting station) $250
Total $________________
Name _______
Organization Name ______
Address ______
City State Zip ________________
Email ____________________________________________ Phone _________________________
_____ Payment Enclosed _____ Please bill
Registration deadline Sept. 7, 2023. Please send to Labor-Management Council, 1100 Rockhurst Road, Kansas City, MO 64110 or email to [email protected]
Participants (names can be provided later):
______________________________________ __________________________________
______________________________________ __________________________________
Shooters provide their own ammo, unless there is an ammo sponsor. Thanks for your support!
Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues. Thanks!
The Labor-Management Council of
Greater Kansas City/BOMA-KC
2024 Public Officials Reception Sponsorship Form
The LMC’s 2024 annual Public Officials Reception will be held from
5:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 10 at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.
We are now accepting reception sponsorships. Sponsors will be listed on the printed invitation that goes to public officials and LMC members if check or commitment is received by Sept. 15. Sponsorships received by
Oct. 8 will be listed on the printed program and all sponsors will be listed in post-event publicity. Sponsors are crucial to the event’s success. Sponsorships can be reserved by emailing or mailing the information below to the LMC or by sending a check:
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Labor-Management Council, 1100 Rockhurst Road, Kansas City, MO 64110
Checks can be made payable to the Labor-Management Council.
Thanks for your support!
Name of Contact
Phone Email
Sponsorship Level:
___Co-Presenter $6,000 includes option for a sponsor table
Presidential $5,000 includes option for a sponsor table
Supreme Court $2,500 includes option for sponsor table
Capitol $2,000 includes option for sponsor table
Cabinet $1,500
Senator $1,000
Speaker $750
Representative $500
Assistant $250
Supporter $100
Check Enclosed Check to be sent Please bill
The mission of the Labor-Management Council of Greater Kansas City is to enhance collaboration by solidifying trust and communication between labor and management in the community.