The LMC Board of Directors elected the folllowing new members at its July 25 meeting (see minutes below):
Vice Co-Chair (Labor): Pat "Duke" Dujakovich, President, Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO
Vice Co-Chari (Management): Mike Kotubey, President, MMC Contractors
Board of Directors: Brendan Cossette, Director of Innovation, Truman Medical Centers
Consultant: Cheryl McConnell, Interim Dean, Rockhurst University Helzberg School of Management
LMC Board of Directors Summary of Minutes
July 25, 2012, 8 a.m. • City of Kansas City, Mo., City Hall
Attending: Sam Alpert, Hon. Victor Callahan, Brendan Cossette, Scott Hoisington, Cheryl McConnell, Gary O’Bannon, Tom Whittaker, Bob Jacobi.
•Thanks to Gary O’Bannon and thecity of Kansas City, Mo., for hosting.
•M/S/C to approve the Financial Report subject to audit.
•The cost for the Mid-Level Leadership Program will be increased by $50 per person.
•The Issues Committee Report discussed upcoming ballot issues and the prospect of significant turnover in the state legislatures next year. The Board will pursue meetings with key legislative leaders in the next two months to build relationships and discuss top issue priorities.
•M/S/C to elect the following to the Board:
--Pat “Duke” Dujakovich as Labor Vice Co-Chair
--Mike Kotubey as Management Vice Co-Chair
--Brendan Cossette to the Board replacing Marcus DeLeon
--Cheryl McConnell as Consultant.
•Suggested venues for the Public Officials Reception will be reviewed for the availability on Nov. 15.
•M/S/C to adjourn at 8:50 a.m.